Do you have many employees suffering from fatigue, low energy and being overweight?
Employers are now recognizing more than ever the importance in helping their employees stay healthy as it leads to higher productivity, less absenteeism and possibly lower health insurance costs.
We offer individual health coaching programs for more personal support that will help employees create a continual lifestyle of healthy habits.
“Jill has taught me so much about health and nutrition to help me achieve health goals I wasn’t able to from doctor visits. As a result, I have retained Jill’s health coaching services to work with my executive team with individual wellness programs. In addition, we extended our reach to provide Wellness Workshops for the benefit of all our employees.”
R. Wijerama, Owner and CEO Horizon Group USA
“I have achieved almost all of my goals…I definitely feel healthier with the knowledge I’ve gained and now choose healthier food options.”
Executive, Horizon Group USA
Lunch and Learn Workshop Topics
Workshops are 45-minutes long during lunch
“I now pay more attention to what I eat and think about what it does to my body.”
Employee at Horizon Group USA
“I learned so much. I liked learning the specific grams/numbers that I now reference in my daily life.”
Employee at Horizon Group USA
“Truly a great teacher…”
Employee at Horizon Group USA
We offer Wellness Workshops that are fun and interactive. We provide the participants with take-home tools, recipes and handouts to use after the class to promote successful implementation.
Weigh Less and Build Muscle
What can you add to your diet that will actually help tone your body and lose weight?
Green is the New Black
It is easy being green! Delicious and easy ways of getting your greens every day.
The Bitter Sweet Truth About Your Favorite Addiction
You may love sugar but it may not love you. We talk about the inflammatory effects of sugar with great and natural alternatives.
Breaking Bad-Are You Eating Someone’s Lab Experiment?
Can you even pronounce or even count how many ingredients are in your food? We discuss labels and what to look out for.
Please contact Jill for more information on wellness programs that can benefit your employees and business.