My family learned the power of healing (along with the detrimental) power of food from our experience with my daughter back in 2005. Rachel was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in which we sought conventional treatment. As the recommended medications stopped working one by one, we finally drew the line with chemotherapy. We looked for a better alternative to free Rachel of the pain of her disease and the brutal side effects of the drugs she was taking. We entered into an unfamiliar world of healing her body with food that her body craved and eliminating what was weakening her. Yeah, right!
Desperation led us to an alternative we thought was too good and simple to work. The holistic doctor we discovered explained the concept of feeding the body the proper fuel and it will heal itself. Well, it worked. She has been free of symptoms since 2007 and is happy and healthy. This is what inspired me to help others.
This painful journey ignited a quest for knowledge. This led me to achieve designations as a CNHP (Certified Natural Health Practitioner), CHHC (Certified Holistic Health Coach), CNC (Certified Nutrition Counselor). Using the tools from these courses along with my own experience, I have had the privilege to help others with various needs… similar symptoms as Rachel with digestive issues, to release weight or just because they felt sluggish and unhappy with how they felt.
After working with hundreds of clients over the years, I realized that mindset and old belief systems had a huge influence over their success. So, I went back to school and became an MHt, MNLP (Board Certified Clinical Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguisitic Programming) and more so I could help shift behaviors to more easily get the desired health results.
While I have no medical background, I have learned that there are 2 common denominator with most people.
The first is that they are simply unaware of the effect food has on their bodies. Many people follow their car manuals and are very aware about the type of gas they need to put in their cars. They know it will eventually damage their car’s engine and affect performance if they feed it the wrong fuel. However, many of us feed our bodies the wrong fuel and then wonder why we gain weight, don’t feel great and suffer from a variety of ailments. Why do we treat our cars better than ourselves?
Exercise is an obvious way to better health and we all seem to understand why. However, so many of us believe that if we eat doughnuts or cake, we can simply “burn” it off with exercise. NOT SO! While we may be able to burn off some of the calories, most of us don’t realize how much harder our bodies have to work to digest this type of food and the strain this puts on our organs. This can lead to many ailments that one might not even consider. Conversely, the BENEFITS of putting food in our bodies that we were designed to eat, have the incredible power to heal and put our bodies back in balance. This leads to more energy, focus, release of unwanted weight and even (as I witnessed so clearly) possibly eradicating symptoms of diseases!
The second is that sometimes our programmed beliefs actually hold us back from doing what we know we need to do to get that desired result. I have seen this time and time again where people start to see movement towards their goals, but rely on sheer willpower. It works for a while, but eventually so many go back to their old habits because it became too hard.
When I learned how to help clients make it easier with shifts in their subconscious minds utilizing NLP and Hypnosis, I started getting much more consistent results–and happier clients.
After so many years of working with so many clients, I have learned the secret sauce of combining both food for the body and food for the mind.
I will provide you with your own personal operating manual and help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. I invite you to learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.
Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk. Schedule a with me today for a free initial consultation.