VIP Day One-On-One Program

Your Special VIP Day

Reserved only for our local NJers within a 20-minute travel time from Warren, N.J.

Do you feel too busy and don’t know where to start when it comes to taking back your health? You have excess belly fat and fatigue or maybe you just know you need to start eating more healthy.  You’ve read articles, bought books and generally know what to do, but it’s felt a bit overwhelming, nothing has really worked or stuck so you just go back into your same old routine. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join me for a one-on-one VIP crash course where you will be empowered in just 4 hours together in a single day to learn how to choose, shop for and prepare great tasting meals in less time than it takes to have pizza delivered.

This specially designed crash course is for the person who wants to be empowered with a one-on-one approach, but is just too busy to commit to weekly or bi-weekly sessions.  In just 4 hours, we will condense 4 health sessions into 1.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Hippocrates had this right, thousands of years ago. He knew that what we used as fuel for our bodies will have the most impact on how we feel and our ultimate health. That’s why it’s the foundation to any wellness program to start taking back your health. But it can be confusing.

You may ask yourself:

Should I never eat carbs and will they all make me fat?

If I eat too much protein, will I just bulk up?

Won’t I get fat by eating too much fat?

Will I ever be able to eat desserts again?

How can I get over my sugar cravings?

You are not alone! We will address all of these questions. We will set everything straight so you will know how much of each of these you should eat, surprising foods you can enjoy and some that your body may not like so much. You will also learn how to listen to your body as everyone is different. Then, you will know easily what works best for you but may not work for someone else.

That’s the beauty of having one-on-one support. It’s all about YOU. Remember, if you don’t feel up to par, those around you will find it difficult to feel good around you as well. You may not realize it, but you can’t hide it as well as you think. There is a reason that when flying on a plane, you are instructed to put that oxygen mask on first BEFORE you put it on your child. Otherwise, you won’t be able to help them!

Your health is no different. If you are struggling, feel lousy and internally unhappy (no matter how hard you try to hide it), your family, friends and co-workers will sense that. However, when you feel great, you are happier and more positive and that resonates whether you realize it or not. There is that ripple effect and miraculously everyone around you seems happier and more positive as well.

You are the one in the pilot’s seat for your VIP Day. Let me be clear, this is NOT for you if:

You want a magic pill

You are just doing this because someone else thinks it’s a great idea

You are not ready to take action

But if you are just sick of feeling sick and frustrated and feel if you have some personalized guidance, you can get some serious results, then this is for you.

You will complete your VIP Day with a clear plan and feel prepared and ready to make easy, healthy choices so you can start to burn off that belly fat and fatigue start to take back your health.

First, you will fill out a questionnaire so I know what areas we should concentrate on the most. Then we will schedule a date and time for our Special VIP Day.

During our time together at your home, we will

  • Go through your food pantry
  • Learn how to read labels
  • Learn how certain foods affect your body
  • Learn about carbohydrates, proteins and fat and how these all affect your body
  • Learn how to navigate a supermarket to make healthy and delicious choices
  • Learn strategies so you’re not stuck making poor food choices
  • Learn how to order food when eating out and order in, that are still good healthy food choices
  • Learn other possible triggers to mystery symptoms
  • Learn about environmental toxins

You will also complete your day with a binder filled with handouts, reference material, tips and recipes so you can always refer back to your VIP Day. You certainly can’t be expected to remember everything you will learn, but you will be able to reference back to every topic we cover.

I am also going to include a few bonuses that will help you even more for lasting success.

10-Day Detox Program– Our wildly successful program has helped hundreds of people just like you lose belly fat, fatigue to get started on their health journey. Value $149!

Follow up Phone Consultation-I want to make sure you stay on track after we finish up your special day, so we will benefit from a ½ hour phone session within a month of completing your VIP Day. Value $75!

That’s about $225 in bonus material!

>>>>Sign me up now!

Now you may be asking what others who have worked with me are saying:

“I have had a great time working with Jill. I learned so much about nutrition and health. Honestly, it is an eye opener. Jill is dedicated to nutrition and it shows, I have more energy than before and I do not depend on coffee and diet coke like I used to. I have already recommended Jill to many of my friends and patients.”

Dr. J. Bedminster, NJ

“I am 55 and I worked as a professional baker. Now I have a house cleaning business. I have always liked baking and cooking, but something changed in my life. Today I have diabetes and stomach problems. Never in my life have I cared about eating healthy. I never knew if food was good or bad. I just made the food I liked. When I started with Jill, I was depressed because I only knew how to cook unhealthy meals. I wanted to eat good food, but I didn’t know where to start. Jill taught me everything I needed to know- good carbs, bad carbs, about grains, protein and what constitutes a healthy snack and so much more. The help she gave me helped me to lose weight and then maintain it. Jill taught me to listen to my body. I learned that certain foods didn’t make me feel good. Now, I feel great, following a different path and eating well while enjoying my meals. Thank you!”

Nilse. F. Newark, NJ

“Two years ago my son was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Utterly lost and frightened by what the doctors were saying and prescribing for my son, I contacted Jill for help. She immediately put me and my family at ease, explained the role that food plays in our health and set my son up with a diet and supplement plan that had noticeable positive effects within days. My son began flourishing under her guidance and resuming a normal life again. Thank you, Jill.”

Diane D. Basking Ridge, NJ

“It has been a privilege getting to know Jill and I am thrilled to have had much success in her health programs over the past few years. She is a high-energy, enthusiastic person who is always fun to be around. Jill’s knowledge of nutrition and health, and her passion for healthy living is contagious. She has guided me with her easy-to-follow programs that taught me how to listen to my body to achieve my goals and lose stubborn weight that I couldn’t on my own. She even generously shares helpful information with friends and acquaintances and is genuinely concerned for their well being. Along with her busy work schedule, Jill finds time to volunteer for a number of worthy causes. Her kindness is exemplary. I am fortunate to be counted not just as a client, but among her friends.”

Anne R., Stirling, NJ

Jill was an amazing coach and motivator. The recipes were delicious and easy to make. I lost 5 pounds even though I was a healthy eater prior to the detox. My skin is glowing, Random people are even noticing. I feel stronger and clean on the inside and more confident on the outside. I have been successfully going forward with this type of healthy eating and portion control. I recommend doing Jill’s program, to see what amazing health comes your way as I have experienced.

Grace M. Watchung, NJ

“I joined Jill’s program after many months of thinking I didn’t need a detox coach. Why would I need a coach??? I already knew a lot about low carbs and clean eating….right???? WRONG!!! I was missing the most important element, which was to truly detox my whole body. By working with Jill she was able to coach me on eating the right foods, at the right time of day and right portion size. She lays the program out so you don’t need to think about what to do only that you have to follow her guidelines. The food component was very important to my success but detoxing my body and liver was a huge element of my success and I had never thought about that side of things.

After the first 10 days I was down 12 pounds!! I plan on staying on the program for life!!! I feel amazing, no bloated belly, I am down a total of 18 pounds. As I approach the holiday season I have learned how to modify my diet to include the detox principles but enjoy tasty delicious foods. Jill’s program is simple, it works, you will feel energized, sleep better, feel lighter, your skin will glow and you will be inwardly happy because you are getting results. Having Jill as my coach has truly been a life changing decision.”

Tracey S., Warren, NJ

I welcome you to join my tribe and enjoy the same health successes my other clients have enjoyed. If you are ready to make that commitment to yourself to finally get off that frustrating hamster wheel taking you nowhere, please register below:


Your investment of just $699 will get you:

4 hours of one-on-one empowerment with knowledge and solutions in the privacy of your home so that you will end your day with a clear plan to take action and not feel overwhelmed.

Your VIP Binder filled with handouts, reference material and recipes.

Some food surprises that you will have to wait and see

Don’t forget about the bonuses I’ve included as well:

10-Day Detox Program– Our wildly successful program has helped hundreds of people just like you lose belly fat, fatigue to get started on their health journey. Value $149!

Follow up Phone Consultation-I want to make sure you stay on track after we finish up your special day, so we will benefit from a ½ hour phone session within a month of completing your VIP Day. Value $75!

All for only $699.

>>>Sign Me Up Here

I’m even arranging 15-minute personal phone consultations if you have any further questions about Your VIP Program click here

15-minute phone consultation

I have only a handful of slots open for 2018 with most slots available in January, 2019.

Join me for your one-day crash course to finally Take Back Your Health!


To your health,



>>>Sign Me Up