What is the Secret to Taking Back Your Health?


Do you have any of the following: 

  • Struggle with Belly Fat

You exercise and “diet” but can’t seem to get rid of that belly bulge 

  • Fatigue

You are tired when you wake and need some type of caffeine or stimulant to get you through the day 

  • Brain Fog

Ever walk into a room and forget what you were looking for?  You just don’t feel as sharp as you used to.  

  • Moody and Anxious

You feel a bit more irritable when waiting in a long line or more anxious if running late

  • Chronic Illness or Autoimmune Disease

You are sick of feeling sick.  You have been diagnosed with an illness but frustrated that you are not feeling better.


The above are all symptoms of some underlying root cause.  Something is out of balance in your body and your body is speaking to you…telling you that you are doing something it doesn’t like.


While there are many possible sources of this dis-ease or imbalance in your body, the foundation or starting point is always the fuel—or food, we choose to put in our bodies. 


That fuel is either fanning the flames.



Or the fuel is helping put out the fire.




So, the trick is to use the right type of fuel or food.  This will help put out that “fire” or inflammation (typically the cause of the above symptoms). 


You see, our bodies were designed to eat REAL food.  When we fuel or bodies, or eat the food we are intended to eat, our bodies can thrive and start to heal.  Otherwise, we are just adding fuel to that fire.


That doesn’t mean you have to eat carrots and kale, though!


Start off your health journey with delicious food that you won’t spend hours making.  Please enjoy my gift to you that my family has been enjoying for years.  My recipe book contains some of our favorites that you and your family will come to love as well.  Just don’t tell them they are “healthy” as they will never know!


This is the key to start giving your body the break it needs so it’s not constantly “distracted” by dealing with and fighting that fire.  You may just find that certain foods were the trigger all along, just like my daughter.


Enjoy your FREE Recipe book and thank you for the opportunity to Let Us HEALTH You.