We may not be able to control events going on around us, but we can control our reactions to them.
I had reached out to some clients and was overwhelmed with their courage and strength during this time:). Overwhelmingly, their #1 thing they were struggling with was lack of community and fear of the unknown.
I want to help. So, I have decided to do something special and give the gift of community, knowledge and empowerment.
I’m going to be personally giving a free training over 5 days, for 30-45 minutes each day starting Monday, March 30th. You will be a part of a supportive virtual community because TOGETHER WE THRIVE.
I will guide you as you learn various proven mindset tips and tools to help you get through this time in more measured and clear ways that will last you a lifetime.
We may not be able to control events going on around us, but we can control our reactions to them. That reaction will transcend to everyone around you and set the tone as you go through this challenging time.
I invite you to join. It’s free to access.
There is no registration, nothing to buy. All you have to do is ask to join your private Facebook group by clicking here, Together We Thrive.
We will begin on Monday, March 30th for 5 consecutive days. We will meet virtually via Zoom each day. If you can’t make it, I will share the recording in the Facebook group.
Please be sure to answer the questions to gain access to our Facebook group so I can set up our meetings at the most convenient time for you. All information on the meetings and units will be posted in our private and supportive Facebook group:).
On each of the 5 Days, we will discuss various topics with our first Unit being on gratitude.
Gratitude seems so basic and even benign, but specific tools using gratitude have been proven to make incredible shifts in so many lives. Especially during this time.
I know, because it changed my life. And I will share how on Monday.
So, please join in as I promise to give you everything I can during the five days to help YOU.