diet, digestion, Digestive Health, emotions, fiber, Gut Health, leaky gut, lose weight, women over 50

What to Eat to Improve Gut Health for Women Over 50

Believe it or not, your gut has a direct connection to your brain, immune system, and why nurturing it through the right foods is key.   Picture your gut as a bustling city, teeming with life and activity, complete with winding roads and bustling neighborhoods. It stretches for miles, with its centerpiece being the intestines, […]

allergies, alternative health, colon health, food sensitivities, fungus, grains, leaky gut, mold, Toxins, Uncategorized

Suffering From Allergies? Top Strategies to Help Reduce or Eliminate Them

Allergies suck! No one likes dealing with allergies or constantly having to carry tissues all the time. Then, what if you don’t have tissues with you? It can get pretty ugly. There are natural remedies that can be quite effective. Better yet, there could be some underlying root cause to your body’s reactions. Some common […]

allergies, colon health, food sensitivities, leaky gut

You May Have Leaky Gut

Do you have any of the following symptoms? Gas, bloating, bowel discomfort Joint Pain Low energy Thyroid and/or adrenal weakness Weight gain Multiple food sensitivities or allergies Autoimmune disease Skin issues such as acne, rosacea, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis Malabsorption Issues leading to deficiency in nutrients Anxiety, depression and behavioral issues Your intestine is like […]