alternative health, disease, emotions, exercise, meditation, mental health, Summits

Meditation Can Reverse Memory Loss

Reminder- Alzheimer’s free online event this week I’ve been listening to the Alzheimer’s Summit yesterday and today and learned so much already.  Did you know that the 3 top nourishing herbs/vitamins to help reverse (yes, reverse!) Alzheimer’s have shown to be curcumin, vitamin D and folate?  Coconut oil also is a top food while meditation […]

cancer, cooking, summer

Grills Just Wanna Have Fun

Grilling and summers go hand in hand. What better way to lure us together than with the smoky aromas of barbecue.  The good news is that grilling is generally considered a healthy way to cook.  However, the not-so-good news is that studies have shown that if food is grilled certain ways it may pose a […]