disease, sickness, Uncategorized

Corn Linked to Cancer

Reposted from September 26, 2012 Warning- a link of cancer, tumors and organ damage to GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms) Corn and Round Up, the herbicide used in conjunction with the crop, as per the latest study using rats in France (See Abstract). If you don’t know whether the corn you eat is GMO or non GMO, […]

diet, drinks

Lose Weight and Much More With Green Tea

Reposted from September 19, 2012 Who knew Green Tea had so many benefits? Not only can it aid in weight loss, but with its powerful antioxicant qualities can helpcut risk of breast cancer and even prevent its recurrence of breast cancer in half! Studies in China have shown Green Tea may also cut the risk […]

Food, health info, labels

Why GMO Foods Matter

Reposted from August 1, 2012 What are GMO foods anyway and why do they matter? GMO stands for genetically modified organism and GE meansgenetically engineered. Modern usage of GMO actually refers to genetically engineered crops where, in a laboratory, the DNA from one organism is spliced into the genes of another organism, or even another […]


When Less Time Spent Exercising is More

Reposted from April 25, 2012 We all know the benefits of exercise. Of course it’s good for you. So, why don’t we all do it? No time, no desire, it’s boring. Personally, I don’t really love exercising. However, I do it almost every day. As with everything I do in my life, I prefer the […]