Thanksgiving is upon us, one of the most food indulgent holidays of the year. To follow are a few tips prior and during your Turkey Fest so you don’t end up looking like one by the end of the evening!
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It will help keep you hydrated and fill you up so you don’t eat as much.
- Eat before the big meal. Do not try to starve yourself “saving up for later.” It only makes you eat more later and ultimately can promote weight gain.
- Eat protein for breakfast and protein for lunch and even protein as a snack after breakfast and after lunch. Make this lean animal protein such as slices of chicken breast or nitrate-free turkey deli (I know, more turkey? but yeah…), and add lots of veggies as they are all easily absorbed. This also will help your blood sugars stay steady and your muscles will have fuel to store any extra sugars (like wine or cake that you plan to eat) as glycogen instead of fat. It will also help put the breaks on binging before the big feast.
- When you are at the big feast, try not to eat until you are about ready to burst. Sample a little bit of everything. Then, wait at least 15 minutes before going in for round 2. You may find that you’re already full and this will keep you from stuffing yourself like that turkey. There’s nothing worse than eating too much and getting gas and bloat when you are around all of your family and friends (I mean for them, too!).
- Finally, when you are ready to have that piece of apple pie or chocolate cake, enjoy the moment and eat it with purpose. Enjoy without guilt and savor each bite. Guilt adds stress, which produces cortisol, which shows up on your waist. Really enjoying your treat and being thankful for what you are enjoying is ten times less fattening than the guilt.
Happy Thanksgiving and may you all have lots to be thankful for!