Corn Linked to Cancer

Reposted from September 26, 2012

Warning- a link of cancer, tumors and organ damage to GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms) Corn and Round Up, the herbicide used in conjunction with the crop, as per the latest study using rats in France (See Abstract). If you don’t know whether the corn you eat is GMO or non GMO, it is most likely GMO (the bad kind). If it is non GMO, it is usually labeled as organic or non GMO. Despite public outcry, there are no laws requiring food companies to indicate GMO status on their labels. That may change soon with the impending vote in November FOR GMO Labeling in California (whose decision may trickle down to other states). This first long term study was so shocking and alarming that France Ordered a Probe Into GM Corn which may even lead to a EU (European Union) suspension of GM corn. That’s 27 countries banning GMO Corn! You need to Check out These Results and Pictures to understand what corn could be doing to our own bodies and to get the facts.

The biggest problem is that corn is in so much of the food we eatand we don’t even realize it. Check out below the list of foods thatall contain some type of corn whether it is in the form of corn, corn flour, vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup:

Alcohol (wine and beer), breads, baked goods, infant formula (that’s high fructose corn syrup you’re feeding your babies!), deli meats (bologna and sausage), gravies, soups, mayonnaise, milk, hamburger patties, french fries, chicken nuggets…

Surprisingly, corn is even in these foods marketed as “healthy” for you:

Yoplait yogurt, fat-free salad dressings, Special K, 100 Calorie Snack Packs, cereals with heart healthy claims and so much more.

Did you realize that corn is even loaded up in non foods as well such as:

Aspirin, cough syrup, envelopes, stamps, toothpaste and many vitamins.

Now that we know corn is in a majority of the things that we all buy on a regular basis, doesn’t it make sense that we actually know what type of corn we are putting into our bodies? Do we want scientistschanging the composition of our food which has now been shown to link cancer and organ damage? There are many countries that have even Banned Types of GMO Corn such as Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, regions of Italy with others having partial bans and limitations. Why is the United States so slow in its implementation of labeling our foods so we can make our own choices? Our politicians have promised us that they would put laws forth to have GMO labels(see, but so far we have seen no action. Hopefully, the California vote to require GMO labeling will force food companies to follow suit in other states.

Again, it’s all about education and knowing what we put in our bodies. However, it is certainly more challenging if we aren’t being told what we are eating.

All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication;instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.


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