Can a Microwave Kill Your Food?

Reposted from June 10, 2015

Microwaves are so convenient. Let’s face it–it takes half the time to heat or cook food and uses less dishes. What’s not to love? Sounds great, right? Well, not if you don’t mind eating dead food that has most of its nutritional value stripped away.

Yes, that’s correct. Microwave ovens heat food through a process of creating molecular friction, but this same molecular friction can also destroy the delicate molecules of vitamins and phytonutrients (plant medicines) naturally found in foods.

In 2003, the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that when broccoli was microwaved in a little water, it lost up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants. Compare that to broccoli that was steamed lost only 11% or fewer of its antioxidants.

We do know that microwaving distorts and deforms the molecular structure of substances. This was proven when a woman died after receiving a transfusion of microwaved blood (used to warm the blood) back in 1991.

Therefore, you must consider that every time you use a microwave to heat your food, you are getting much more than just heated food. You are getting a different structure of the food with many of its nutrient benefits stripped away–even though it may look the same.

We must also consider not only the food, but what we use to heat the food. For example, if you microwave your food in plastic or even in the packaging of typical microwavable foods , the containers may leach out carcinogenic toxins into the microwaved foods when heated. Many of you have heard of BPA or bisphenol A which is commonly used in plastic products and notably rated as a top toxin. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want these toxins leaking out into my food!

On my end, I was admittedly a microwave girl growing up. Not only did I use it every day to heat every type of food, I used my trusty microwave cookbook to cook my meals. It was convenient and quick. However, after I was enlightened about what microwaves did to our food, I decided to pull out the extra pot or pan and solely use my stove and burners to cook my food. I think about how I always said I was “nuking” something or other in the microwave. Now I realize that I actually was–with radiation and all!

Once again, take it back to basics and prepare your food the way our ancestors did with old fashioned fire and metal pots. Your body will thank you by “recognizing” the molecular structure of the food and utilizing its nutrients.


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