I got it.
Not that I was surprised. Then again, maybe I was.
My husband had gotten that thing that rhymes with shmovid in October. I was with him, side-by-side for 12 straight days in our little New York City 2-bedroom apartment and didn’t get so much as a sniffle. So, maybe, I thought, I had boosted my immune system enough that I wouldn’t catch this.
For me, it was from me being at my friend’s house for dinner just over a week ago. It was a great turkey chili dinner, by the way!
I started to sneeze the day after we had dinner together. The day after that, I got the text that my friend had tested positive, AND…my symptoms quickly elevated to the worst cold I’ve ever had.
So, I got my first PCR test and started my “active virus” protocol.
Before I get to my protocol, I want to share my experience with the actual testing aspect. You see, I took my first test on that Thursday morning, and that afternoon, it came back negative.
Honestly, I absolutely knew I was positive as the symptoms had come on very strong and I just felt it in my bones that I had the virus. So, I took the test again on Friday….again, it was negative.
I still treated myself as if I had the virus as I had no doubt. So, I got tested a third time, on Sunday. Through a series of glitches in the lab’s system, I didn’t receive the final verdict until Wednesday that I was indeed positive. That’s 7 whole days from the first test!
I share this part of my saga to point out that if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, most likely it’s NOT going to be a rhinoceros.
What a frustration with faulty tests but more so that there must be so many others out there who have/are getting negative test results and thought they were “ok,” but indeed had the virus all along.
So, while I was not 100% expecting to get the virus, I knew enough a while back to be totally prepared in case I did. And I believe this is why my case stayed somewhat mild.
Now, I do want to backtrack as I know many of you are curious.
No, I wasn’t vaccinated. Yes, my friend was vaccinated. And I believe her client was also vaccinated.
I share this so that my bigger point of being prepared should not be understated. We are all at risk.
In terms of being prepared, I want to share what I did BEFORE, DURING, and (will do) AFTER.
BEFORE (contracting the virus).
First, I always talk about how eating real food, the food your body is meant to eat, the fuel that will naturally boost your immune system, is foundational. You simply never want to start from a state of weakness when “under attack” by any foreign and/or unwanted bug.
That said, eating one-ingredient foods (foods found on the perimeter of the market) – lots of veggies and clean, organic protein, will help keep the body in a more optimal state.
Second, I believe that supplementation is also a key to nourishing the body as we simply do not get enough minerals and vitamins from our food and soil. The top supplements that I have been taking to keep my body best prepared against any foreign invaders are:
Vitamin D3 (take with k-2 for better absorption)
Quercitin (makes zinc easier to absorb)
Vitamin C (preferably liposomal)
I take many other supplements, but these are what I specifically took to target protection against viruses.
DURING (while experiencing symptoms of the virus)
Getting back to the food and supplement protocol I began as soon as I got symptoms were as follows for me:
First, I pretty much just ate home-made turkey and chicken broth and drank plenty of filtered water (I added chlorophyll to help boost immunity). I wasn’t super hungry for the first few days. Then I started adding sauteed veggies. No starches or any processed foods.
The supplementation I began immediately was:
Vitamin C- large doses throughout the day
Vitamin D3
Astragalus blend
Hydrogen peroxide nebulized
I am happy to share the amounts if you are interested. Please message me. Again, this is what worked for me.
I did base part of my protocol from the Front Line Covid Care Critical Care Alliance website. They are amazing and I encourage you to support them as I do. They are doctors who have worked with patients from Day One to find the best treatment options. This is a non-profit organization that makes no money from their recommendations. I have been so impressed with the tireless and courageous work they have been doing. They have many resources including this guideline I used when I knew, I was positive.
Through the FLCCC.org website, I also was referred to other doctors who would prescribe Ivermectin in advance. I absolutely believe that Ivermectin was key in my quick recovery as well as my husband’s back in October. I used Seven Cells compounded pharmacy to get Ivermectin for us.
To note, when I asked my New Jersey Doctor to prescribe Ivermectin, he said he “could not” as it was “off label” (despite this being a common practice by many doctors) and could be stripped of his medical license.
I have done lots of research over the past 2 years and came up with Ivermectin as one of my safest and most effective top tools to have on hand in the event of a battling the virus. And I’m grateful I have had this to use for me and my family.
The last supplement on my list is Hydrogen Peroxide nebulized. This is new for me having just learned about this effective and easy treatment. I recently learned about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide from Dr. Tom Levy.
In Dr. Levy’s book, Rapid Virus Recovery, he says that “nebulizing hydrogen peroxide is truly an ideal therapy for dealing with a number of conditions, but especially for acute respiratory viral infections…[due to the following characteristics]: 1. Highly effective clinically; 2. Directly promotes tissue healing after pathogenic eradication because byproducts are water and oxygen; 3. Completely nontoxic when used as recommended; 4. Of inconsequential cost…; 5. Readily available, and not requiring prescription; 6. Very easy to administer and not requiring assistance of physician…”
My intention originally was to get the nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide for my husband to help combat any long-hauler syndrome or after-effects of the virus.
I was glad to have just received it prior to me getting symptoms, so of course I started nebulizing HP right away. I had bought the nebulizer on Amazon for about $42 and then bought 3% hydrogen peroxide and some saline solution. All pretty inexpensive.
Apparently Dr. Levy recommends this for any virus so it is definitely a great tool to have in the wheelhouse.
I’ve been nebulizing every day and always feel better after I do so. It is a little uncomfortable while nebulizing as it makes me sneeze like crazy, but it seems to be doing the trick. I plan to continue this when I am done to avoid having any long-term symptoms from the virus.
I have nearly completed my active virus protocol and next week I will begin my post-virus protocol.
AFTER (no longer symptomatic post-virus)
I know this virus can linger so I want to make sure I do everything I can to make it knows it is not welcome to stay and must exit the building! I think this is a big mistake that many people make. They believe they are done with the virus and just go back to their lives. However, 6 months down the road, or even sooner, they experience fatigue or brain fog and don’t realize that they never fully got the virus out of their system.
So, my plan is to continue with the supplement protocol while the virus was active. I will likely lessen the doses, though. Eating clean is paramount to build back my immune system. I will also do a type of detox where I will fast a few days and also take special supplements that will clean out my bowels and gut lining so I can escort any residual bad boys out.
I like Chemical Free Body supplements (although I do not have any affiliation with them) for this and will use Gut Detox and Toxin Detox.
I will also continue to nebulize with hydrogen peroxide. The only thing I will not continue is with the Ivermectin, although many people will continue for a bit.
Ironically, my older daughter contracted the virus 5 days after me from a club she went to over the weekend. Her symptoms are completely different as she has flu symptoms with chills and slight fever. However, the protocol is the same and I am grateful that we are quarantining together so I can help make sure she gets everything she needs. So, she is a few days behind me.
Overall, it has been an interesting experience. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my trip to see my mom in Florida and miss a family friend’s wedding-both which was such a bummer. On the flip side, I have now gone through this experience where I can share what has worked and that will hopefully benefit some of you. Plus, I get to spend a little extra time being with my family as we quarantine togetherJ.
Yes, I’ll always try to look at the brighter side. No point in dwelling on things which we have no control over.
If you want any more information or have any questions about my experience, I am happy to share. Please feel free to email me back or at Jill@jillthehealthcoach.com.
Remember, please be prepared. In the spirit of being football season, your best defense is having an even better offense.
Love and health,
All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication;instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.