After Getting C-0-V-l- D, This Is What We Are Doing

We got it a few weeks back.


Well, one of us got that thing that rhymes with shmovid.


To back up, I’m pretty sure I did have “it” before it was even a thing.


You see, I NEVER get sick. Like, never. I’ve never gotten the flu and even if I have a cold coming on, I may be on the brink, but I do my potions and vitamins and always get out of it.


However, in February 2020, my daughter had gone to a very late work holiday party. She and about 75% of the people there got very sick. I thought for sure it was food poisoning. I mean, how could something ever spread so fast? Ahem. Ahem.


Being the good mom (at least that’s what I keep telling my girls), I went to my daughter’s apartment to give her some of my healing brews and supplements. I was in her place for maybe 10 minutes.


The next morning I woke up sicker than I had ever been in my life. And I was mad.


I couldn’t believe it as I was always able to fend off anything that came my way.


Not this. No way.


For 2 straight days, I was siiiick. So I pulled out all the stops and took everything I had and was able to get it out of my system. I ate super clean after to recover fully, but I had this lingering cough for 3 weeks after.


Sound familiar?


So, I do firmly believe I had this “thing” before it was even a thing.


So, getting back, my husband came home a few weeks ago feeling flu-y. He had taken the rapid test and it did later on confirm that he was positive. He did happen to be vaxxed.


Next week I will share more in detail more of what we did to heal relatively quickly and how we were prepared with protocols in advance.


In the meanwhile, I was with him every day in our small 2 bedroom apartment.  I wanted to cook for him and make sure he took all of the supplements and follow the protocols (I will discuss these in detail next week), to help boost his immune system to heal faster.


He did feel pretty lousy with a high fever and major fatigue for 5 days. Thankfully, with everything we did to support him, he did start to improve and felt more like himself on Day 6. Then, we quarantined for a while after he got better. So, we had lots of together time and he improved and I managed to stay A-ok.


But during that time, I wanted to make sure Mike had the most healing foods.


So, I made lots of broth and green drinks to help boost his immune system.


Then, as he was on the mend, I found myself cooking a lot more to make sure Mike would enjoy some good, healthy food to continue to strengthen him (despite not being able to taste and smell any of it for a while!).


I made nourishing turkey and veggie broth which is so soothing at any time. And then, the green drinks seem to just pick him up with the fresh greens and shots of cinnamon to give it some pop.


For dinners, I made some barbecued chicken, incredible sea bass (as good as any restaurant, really), delicious turkey meatballs, perfectly cooked cod and more. All accompanied with a variety of colorful veggies.


You can check out some of my main dishes as I videoed a few of them on my Facebook Jill the Health Coach Page here.


Needless to say, Mike has been feeling so much better, has most of his taste and smell back and has been looking forward to dinner every night!


I realized that every meal I prepared while Mike was sick and then after, has followed the guidelines of my Reboot with Real Food 14-Day Detox Solution.


I mean, I normally eat within the guidelines of the Reboot (except Halloween when I indulged…).


Anyhow, I have seen how much better Mike has been feeling and he has even dropped a few pounds in his recovery:). A nice win-win.


That’s how important eating REAL food is. It gives the body a break from the stressors of “comfort” foods that don’t really comfort the body. With real food, the body is fueled with the food it was meant to eat. And that’s when the body goes back to balance naturally.


So, whether it’s healing from being sick or just getting back to the weight it should be, it’s all about reducing food stressors and nourishing.


So, with Halloween behind us and the holidays creeping up quickly, the LAST REBOOT OF THE YEAR begins Thursday, November 11th through Wednesday, November 24th. You’ll be flying high just in time for Thanksgiving.


If you’ve joined in before, you know how much lighter and amazing you feel.


And if you’ve never joined in, now is the time.


The food is delicious and, yes, family friendly and family tested. See for yourself at my Facebook page here.


Maybe you want to release some weight or just build up your immune system. It may help you better fend off those bad boys, or at least lessen the severity, like I believe it did for Mike.


Over the years, I’ve added a secret sauce of mindset shifts so it makes it easier to get to your goals and stay there. I used to say that food is the foundation. But the truth is that the foundation is nourishing the mind first. Then we continue by nourishing our bodies back to balance.


But don’t trust me, ask the just under 1,000 Rebooters that have come through the doors.


Of course there is never a perfect time, but if you never try, you will never know how easy it is and good you can feel.


And as a gift for being in my tribe, I would like to give my thanks to all of you for helping me.


So, I am happy to extend a special discount of $25 using the promo code Givingthanks (one word, upper case G). You won’t see this special offer anywhere else.


Please email me if you have questions or would like to chat.


We start next week and you don’t want to miss out before the doors close this last time in 2021.


“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”

Live well and love more,

Jill Gordon

CHHC, HHC, CNHP, Digestive Health Specialist


All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.

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