health info, health tips, medication

For Equal Rights–Presenting the Pink Pill

Not so pretty in pink.   In a demand for equality in a “solution” for sexual dysfunction in women,  the FDA just approved a highly questionable drug called ADDYI (flibanserin). You’re in luck only if you are: pre -menopausal (menopausal or post-menopausal women need not apply) do NOT wish to drink alcohol–EVER NOT on the pill, NOT taking antidepressants, NOT taking some common antacids and many […]

health info, health tips, sleep

Why You Should Do This In The Buff

Do you want to: Lose weight? Have better skin? Sleep better? Lower blood pressure? Enhance your relationships? Dr. Michael Breus, aka the “Sleep Doctor”claims that sleeping in your birthday suit can give you these benefits and more. Right now, only 12% of our population partake, but perhaps more should give it a try. First, melt off the fat while you snooze.  […]

emotions, mind, spiritual

In the Blink of an Eye

It’s a part of life…we see death every day.It’s on TV shows.  It’s in the news.  It’s in our children’s video games.  We seem to be more and more desensitized to it.  However, once in a while it hits home when a real person, a loved one that made an impact on your life, passes […]


Can a Microwave Kill Your Food?

Reposted from June 10, 2015 Microwaves are so convenient. Let’s face it–it takes half the time to heat or cook food and uses less dishes. What’s not to love? Sounds great, right? Well, not if you don’t mind eating dead food that has most of its nutritional value stripped away. Yes, that’s correct. Microwave ovens […]

Food, labels, nutrition

Decoding Your Food

Reposted from June 3, 2015 Most of us tend to check out the labels for the ingredients or calorie or carb count. However, don’t forget to check out the UPC bar codes and the PLU codes. You’ll be amazed at the “hidden” information they reveal. The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a series of numbersand […]

exercise, nutrition

What Type Are You?

Reposted from May 27, 2015 Have you ever wondered why some people seem to lose weight easily by eating lots of meat but some can’t seem to lose weight when just eating vegetables? How about when you work out exactly as hard as another, but they seem to get better results? Why is it that […]