condiments, Food, nutrition

Beware of Condiments that Double the Calories of your Meal

There’s nothing better than topping off our food to add a little zip or taste.  However, most of us don’t always realize that so many of these condiments contain huge amounts of sugar or even high fructose syrup, loads of salt or unhealthy oils such as soybean or canola.  Also, we tend to use much more than the stated serving size so the nutrition facts tend to be grossly […]

condiments, disease, Health Myths

Pass the Salt

If you eat too much salt or it may lead to high blood pressure or make hypertension worse. Is this proving to be outdated advice that may actually be doing more harm than good? Dr. David Brownstein, author of Salt Your Way to Health, says that ” after testing tens of thousands of patient, I […]

alternative health, baking, condiments, cooking, Food, health tips, protein

Don’t Use These Oils for Your Holiday Baking

Don’t Use These Oils for Your Holiday Baking   During this holiday season, many of us are up to our eyeballs  baking lots of goodies.  Many recipes tell us to use different kinds of Vegetable Oils.    AVOID them all.  The problem is that these highly processed polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and oxidize easily […]