health info

Home Remedies You Will Use

Reposted from March 31, 2015 No April Fool’s here! The following are some great home remedies that you will use (perhaps just in time before this big holiday weekend!): Bad Breath – Offend people no more with this simple after drink of black tea. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago reported that the […]

health info

Why You Need To Bathe In This

Reposted from March 19, 2015 Who knew Epsom Salts could do so much? Epsom Salt Baths are one of the great ways to detoxify the body, get rid of headaches, soothe muscles and even help decrease inflammation. Epsom salts consist of magnesium and sulfate. Magnesium is crucial to our bodily functions and is now one […]

diet, health info, nutrition

Dietary Guidelines Change Regarding Cholesterol

Reposted from February 19, 2015 It’s all over the news–yes, you can eat the WHOLE egg now as studies show that cholesterol in food does not necessarily lead high cholesterol and to cardiovascular disease. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee just declared that cholesterol is “not considered a nutrient of concern for over-consumption.” Finally, it’s time […]

Food, health info, nutrition

Is This Really Health Food?

Reposted from January 28, 2015 Soy has long been believed to be a health food. For many vegetarians, it’s their main source of protein. It’s also been touted as a milk alternative and even the base in some baby formulas. Soy, furthermore, has been popularized due to its being a main staple for centuries as […]

health info, health tips, nutrition

The French Paradox

Reposted from December 3, 2014 The French Paradox I was lucky enough to “cross the pond” over the Thanksgiving holiday to visit my daughter who is studying abroad in London. (Rachel is actually turning 21 today-Happy Birthday!) We ended up in Paris where not only the language was different, but the culture as well. A […]

health info, health tips

You’ll Need a Cold Shower For This

Reposted from October 29, 2014 Get that blood flowing. Improving blood circulation has so many benefits. The blood is what carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells and organs. The better the movement of blood, the more nourishment your body will receive thereby enhancing your immune system and even your lymphatic system. First, the body […]