inspirational, spiritual

Pearls of Wisdom for 2016

Welcome in 2016 with some folks who put it much better than I could: “For Last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” -T. S. Elliott    Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. […]

exercise, mind, spiritual, yoga

Yoga Is NOT for the Weak

I just got back from celebrating big birthdays with some gal pals in Mexico.  Thankfully, I was beach-ready having detoxed myself back down to my pre-summer weight with the Official Health Coach Detox. We had an amazing time with lots of laughs while soaking up the sun on Cancun’s magnificent beaches.  I was thrilled to start each day with […]

emotions, mind, spiritual

In the Blink of an Eye

It’s a part of life…we see death every day.It’s on TV shows.  It’s in the news.  It’s in our children’s video games.  We seem to be more and more desensitized to it.  However, once in a while it hits home when a real person, a loved one that made an impact on your life, passes […]