Hand Sanitizers. The Safe and Not-So-Safe

There is so much confusion and misinformation regarding hand sanitizers.

First, do we need some type of hand sanitizer?

I say yes. Especially during flu season in the Winter and now with the coronavirus, it is important to protect us from contracting these nasties.

The CDC recommends using alcohol based hand sanitizers. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers must be 60% alcohol (such as Purell) to be effective to kill microbes . So, yes, they do work to kill off the buggers.

However, alcohol-based hand sanitizers kill off more than the bad bugs.

First, they are dangerous for young children because often toddlers or young children lick their hands and can get alcohol poisoning from the hand sanitizers. Children have even been hospitalized due to this. It is even dangerous for recovering alcoholics as the alcohol gets absorbed through the skin.

The biggest issue is that alcohol-based hand sanitizers may actually wipe out bad bacteria,as well as our good bacteria that we need to protect us. So, down the road it may ultimately make for more bacterial/viral resistance and contribute to the rise of resistant superbugs.

Johns Hopkins study showed that alcohol based hand sanitizers may even contribute to allergies in children.

Another common ingredient to watch out for in common antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers (and even in our toothpaste!) is called Triclosan.

Triclosan has been shown to interact with chlorine common in your water to form chloroform gas. Yikes!

Triclosan is also a dangerous endocrine disruptor and it kills both beneficial and bad bacteria which can leave one more susceptible to pathogens and bacteria.

So, what are the best options?

First, hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds usually is the most effective option. So, as soon as you get to work, get to a restaurant, get home from work, etc., always make that initial side trip to the bathroom to wash your hands.

With that said, hand washing is not always an option. So, we’re back to hand sanitizers.

There are great alternatives that are effective without wiping out your surface microbiome.

I personally prefer essential oils. They are naturally anti bacterial and anti viral without compromising the microbiome. In fact, many naturally help boost your immune system so your body is more adept at fighting off any “foreign invaders.”

Some good alternatives are Thieves spray and CleanWell Hand Sanitizer.

I make my own spray which I have found pretty effective. I will spray it not only on my hands, but then on my steering wheel as soon as I get into the car, shopping carts, door knobs, keys, computer keyboards and ESPECIALLY on my phone– anything that we touch often.

When I fly, I always spray and wipe it on the tray tables and arm rests. Then I spray some in my hand and then from that, take some and rub under and in my nostrils as that can keep those bad boys from getting in through that major gateway of our nose. In my case, I have a pretty “big” gateway, so I apply generously and often. Lol

You may ask why I would make my own hand sanitizer. This way I know exactly what I’m using and what I find most effective. It’s easy for me as I have a variety of high quality essential oils (Young Living and Nature’s Sunshine).

I then add a few more ingredients and it’s done.

First, I buy 2 ounce glass spray bottles (only use colored glass). I buy in bulk as I make them for my whole family, friends and clients.

My recipe is as follows:

1/2 oz. (approximately) organic alcohol-free witch hazel

10 drops of Essential oil of choice

1/2 oz. (approximately) organic aloe vera gel

Fill remainder with distilled water or filtered water

You can use a variety of different oils as all are antibacterial. For example, I just made a lemon essential oil spray for my husband because he prefers that scent over others.

However, each essential oil does work in different ways.

For example, lemon can excite senses or stimulate-great for studying. Whereas lavendar is a soothing oil that promotes healing and calm-excellent for sleep and for burns.

Peppermint is also an exciter and great for digestion.

Frankincense is helpful with anxiety and depression and even cancer tumors that are close to the skin.

My favorite and I think most effective that is commonly used to fight colds, flu and more is a blend that contains cinnamon clove, rosemary, eucalyptus, wild orange,…

Different companies use different names for this blend such as Thieves or Essential Shield and others.

I use both as they both seem to work well for me and for everyone I give AND they smell amazing!

Whatever you do, be sure to wash your hands often and keep that hand sanitizer “handy!”


Love and health,





All material in this article is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. Instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.


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