How to Make You Smarter

Who doesn’t want to be smarter? Who feels that they are not as smart as they used to be? With the rising incidences of Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders, it is more important than ever to make sure our brains get fed properly with a few simple suggestions.

1.Eat your Fats! The brain is 60 percent fat and needs to stay that way to function optimally. Feed your brain the Omega 3 fatty acids that are an integral component of fat in your brain. Perhaps the most critical of these essential fatty acids is DHA, which is necessary for memory and learning. Also, omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, which appears to be important for brain health. So, eat lots of fish and be sure to take high quality fish/krill oil.

2.Exercise Your Body. This helps improve blood flow to the brain. Studies have also shown that exercise may also help the brain work faster and even more efficiently.

3.Exercise Your Brain. Your brain is anothegurus brain working outr muscle that needs to be worked constantly to boost and even maintain brain function. Do crossword puzzles, learn a new language, play games or anything that challenges you. I just started writing with my opposite hand while doing my Sudoku. That’s 2 great doses of brain fitness in one sitting!

4.Rest Your Brain with Sleep. Just as you need to exercise your brain, it is also crucial that you let it rest. In the last few days, a study has confirmed that getting less than 6 hours of sleep substantially increases risk of stroke and heart disease. The brain needs the proper amount of rest to reset itself and regenerate neurons within the cerebral cortex to work properly.

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Let Us Health You!
“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”
Live well and love more,
Jill Gordon, CHHC, CNHP

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