10 Reasons to Start Your Day with Lemon Water
1. Although lemons are acidic, they metabolize into an alkalizing state in your body, which promotes faster weight loss
2. Lemons help absorb calcium into our fat cells which promotes more efficient fat cell burning
3. Lemons lower the absorption of sugar due to its alkalizing effect
5. Lemons are a diuretic which will help get rid of that water weight
6. Lemons help purify the liver by eliminating toxins and waste products
7. When your body is full of what you don’t want to be full of, lemons help your bowels eliminate naturally and easily
8. Lemons help to hydrate your body (as opposed to caffeine products such as coffee, tea or soda that dehydrate you)
9. Lemons have high levels of vitamin C. Studies show that people with high vitamin C are less likely to gain weight.
10. The vitamin C in lemons helps improve immunity (OK, not under the lose weight category, but still shows how good it is for you)
Simply squeeze the juice of half a lemon into warm water before you eat in the morning. You can even add a little honey to sweeten it up a little. During the day, adding lemon to seltzer (GREAT alternative to soda!) or cold water makes a refreshing drink.