I was in our local supermarket buying bottled water and was shocked to discover bottled water with added fluoride. You may think fluoride is a good thing, right? It helps prevent tooth decay and make teeth healthier. So, it may be good for our teeth, but does that make it good for our bodies? Some time ago, I noticed a warning label on the Crest toothpaste I was using at the time. It said, “Warning. Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.” Many toothpastes even warn further that if a child is age 6 or under, they should only use a “pea size” amount of toothpaste. What?! I’m going to go out on a limb now and deduce that if there is a warning on some type of product that says if it is swallowed, call Poison Control, that the product has some type of poison in it. While I understand that the warning is for younger kids, I think we can safely still deduce that toothpaste with fluoride has poisons in it. With the warnings on toothpaste if it is swallowed, why on earth would we want to put the same poison in our water so it gets ingested into our bodies? In fact, this has become quite a debate over the years as many states started to add fluoride to their water supplies in “an effort to help prevent tooth decay.” Excess fluoride can cause dental fluorosois. That’s a discoloration of teeth. The CDC actually admits that about 40% of US children have some level of dental fluorosis. Here’s the worst part, and it has nothing to do with our teeth. Recently, Harvard researchers examined more than two dozen trials that studied cognitive function in children and fluoride exposure. Results show that children who live in high fluoride areas have significantly lower IQ scores than kids in low fluoride areas. Furthermore, in the movie, Fluoridegate, Dr. Roger Maters, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College explains that, “Exposing a child to (fluoride) chemicals in the first 6 years of life…will harm that child’s learning capability, self control, and have effects on his brain function that are lifelong.” Famous alternative medicine Dr. Joseph Mercola also reported that, ” There are now 25 studies showing fluoride is associated with diminished IQ even at low levels…” Mercola also stated that “fluoride’s health dangers far outweigh any marginal benefits it may offer…with the science being very clear that fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product that is a poison to your body and in no way a “nutrient,” offering no benefits at all to the human body.” Even France, Italy, Israel, Japan, Holland, Sweden, China, Austria, Germany, and other countries decided not to put fluoride in their water supplies. Perhaps we should just hydrate our bodies with pure water and treat our teeth separately by not eating the things that damage them in the first place such as the best-known culprit, sugar. |
All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication;instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.
“It is our choices that show what we truly are
far more than our abilities.” Live well and love more, Jill Gordon
Digestive Health Specialist
Let Us HEALTH You LLC | Jill@JilltheHealthCoach.com www.JilltheHealthCoach.com