Ahhh. The morning cup of coffee. For so many of us, this is how we get our day started and really get moving in the morning (in more ways than one!). Why does it often turn into a second and then third cup? This is because keeping your adrenal glands hopped up on caffeine can push your body too far past its limits. Your body has no choice but to scavenge its own muscles for fuel, which leaves you feeling rundown and in need of another caffeine boost.
You see, coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, which means that every time you drink coffee, you’re activating the body’s fight-or-flight response. But, instead of releasing adrenaline so the body can react to a true stressor, the adrenals are releasing this hormone, cortisol, in response to your coffee consumption. Cortisol then can eventually get stored as fat right around the waistline. Not to mention, it is pretty tiring for your body and you may even experience the effects of fatigue. The good news is that when you kick the caffeine habit, your adrenals can start functioning normally in just a few days and go back to being used in response to normal stressors.
For those out there who are concerned with wrinkles, coffee is very dehydrating causing the skin to dry out and appear less plump, especially around the eyes. Can you say, “Crow’s Feet?”
Now you have a few reason to kick the habit, but how do you make the jump? Giving up caffeine can be tough. The withdrawal systems (chiefly bad headaches) should dissipate after three or four days. And once you’re no longer caffeine-dependent, you’ll be amazed how great and energized you feel. You can do it and so many of my clients are happy they did.
You can go cold turkey or do the gradual wean. Cold turkey will be faster, but you will experience more withdrawal symptoms. However, the gradual wean (by reducing your intake by one-third every two days or water down coffee) will take longer, but the effects wont’ be as severe. It just depends on your preference.
It will be helpful to start your day with a piece of fruit and a brisk workout to perk you up. Below may be helpful as well:
Drink lots of water
Eat good carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal
Get plenty of sleep – if you’re well-rested you won’t need a caffeine pick-me-up
Add cinnamon to your morning smoothie
Feverfew and gingko biloba can can help with the headaches
Be sure to watch out for caffeine lurking in unexpected places: “decaf” coffee has 2 to 25 mg per cup. Tea (the stuff made with actual tea leaves) and chocolate have caffeine too, as do many energy drinks and soft drinks, so avoid those too.
Replace the ritual
Sometimes the act of brewing coffee is more important to your morning than actually drinking it; and it can be weird not to hold a warm mug in your hand in the morning. Giving up caffeine doesn’t mean giving up your morning ritual; herbal tea, plain hot water, and warm non-dairy milk all give you the feel of a steaming hot beverage in your hand. You can even keep using your coffee maker to brew loose-leaf herbal teas.
Coffee substitutes
Giving up caffeine doesn’t have to mean the smell and taste of coffee are gone forever. You’ve got quite a few coffee substitutes to choose from, including:
Pero – a mix of malted barley, chicory and rye – is one of the best. It comes as a powder; you simply add hot water (along with almond milk and/or stevia if you like).
Cafix (made of barley and chicory) is also popular. It also comes as an instant powder.
Celestial Seasonings produces a coffee substitute called Roastaroma that comes as a tea bag
Some people swear by roasted dandelion root as a coffee replacement. Traditional Medicinals makes one that comes as a tea bag
Many say that Dandy Blend is like switching from one brand of coffee to another
Yes, those first few days may be rough. Nothing worthwhile is easy, but you will be energized and liberated by freeing yourself of the caffeine fix.