fats, fiber, Food, health, health info, health tips, healthy cooking, healthy food, heart health, lose weight, nutrients, nutrition, organic food, sprouts, vegetables

Trending Diets and Which Works Best for You Part 4 of 5 Vegan

Which food lifestyles make sense for you? What do you think of the previous articles in this series of going Mediterranean, Keto or Paleo? This is all about exploration of what makes the most sense for your own lifestyle and what may be a huge player in optimizing your health and ridding yourself of some […]

green drinks, labels, lose weight, nutrition, protein, protein, protein, sugar

Oat no! Lawsuit Filed Against New “Healthier” Cheerios

Reposted from November 12, 2015   There is a new Cheerios on the block called Cheerios Protein.  Is it  really the healthier version General Mills claims?  The Center of Science in the  Public Interest (CSPI) doesn’t think so.  In fact, they are currently filing suit against the mega food company for misleading consumers. The CSPI […]