ayuverda, digestion, Digestive Health, health tips, lemon water, metabolism, natural alternatives, natural healing, spiritual, stress

Top 5 Ayuverdic Secrets to Good Digestion

Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine of India.  It teaches that good health begins with a balanced Agni, or fire, that drives the digestive system.   Conversely, Ayurveda believes that all diseases begin in the digestive tract due to an imbalanced Agni.   Here in the United States, digestion problems plague most Americans in the form of gas, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and fatigue […]

bowels, candida, colon health, diet, digestion, Digestive Health, healthy food, lose weight, weight loss, yeast

Potatoes Help You Get to Your Optimal Weight? Not What You Think

Potatoes can help you get to your optimal weight?  Yes, they’re great, real food, but aren’t they super high in carbs?   Yes, white potatoes are high in carbs.  However, depending how you cook them, they can break down into sugar and get stored as fat if not utilized for energy  OR they can actually […]