carbohydrates, diabetes, disease, hormones, inflammation, insulin, lose weight, metabolism, nutrients, Toxins, weight loss

Is Insulin Resistance Keeping You From Releasing Weight?

Most people have heard of insulin resistance but aren’t really sure what it means. And insulin is truly being found more and more to be the key to controlling your weight and so much more.   But what is insulin anyway?   Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas when we eat high carb […]

disease, high blood sugar, insulin, soda, sugar, water

What is the Truth About Sugar?

“Sugar could be the driving force behind some of this country’s leading killers, including heart disease,” said Dr. Robert Lustig in a 60 Minutes interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta.   Lustig is a world-renowned pediatric endocrinologist, sugar crusader and YouTube phenom from his documentary Sugar: The Bitter Truth. He also said that we have a “public health crisis” with the […]

diabetes, diet, disease, fat, health, insulin, Type 2 Diabetes

Could this Modern Plague Have Been Reversed to Save Hollywood Icon?

She was the girl next door. Sadly, this Hollywood icon passed away from complications from this modern plague, Type 2 Diabetes. Nearly 21 million Americans have Diabetes, but one third of these people do not know it. We’ve all heard of Diabetes, but what exactly is it? Type 1 Diabetes is when the pancreas no longer makes insulin. Type 2Diabetes is […]