Last week, I reported about the benefits of using Vitamin C to protect yourself regarding Covid-19.
There are some updates and I encourage you to download the most recent revisions and additions to my Coronavirus Thriver Guide below.
Get Your Updated Coronavirus Guide Here
As I mentioned last week, zinc is also seen to been a major player in defending against COVID-19. Symptoms of zinc deficiency closely mirror symptoms of coronavirus such as dry/chronic cough, nausea, fever, loss of taste/smell, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, fever, low platelets, low white blood cells, pneumonia…
Zinc is known to be a viral killer and can also keep virus from duplicating.
So, be sure to supplement with zinc. Please see Coronavirus guide for proper dosing.
Hydroxychloroquine (HQ) has been shown as very effective treatment for COVID-19. While there are no completed trials yet, it has been used by many doctors worldwide including French Virologist Dr. Didier Raoul who treated 1,000 patients along with azythromycin with over 98% cure rate.
Hydroxychloroquine has been used for years treating lupus with no serious side effects. Interesting to note is that there are currently no signs of COVID-19 in the 800 lupus patients treated since September, 2019 with this drug by Lupus expert Dr. Daniel Wallace.
This perhaps may indicate a possible prophylactic effect of hydroxychloroquinolone.
It’s important to understand how this medication works. HQ is actually an ionophore for zinc. In other words, it opens the gateway for zinc to enter directly into the cell. Zinc is known as a viral killer and keeping it from duplicating therefore stopping COVID-19 in its tracks.
So, really, it’s more the zinc that may seem to be the real hero. so, if you or a loved one gets COVID-19, be sure to get not only hydroxychloroquinolone and azythromycin but also zinc.
Another remedy to take look at is melatonin. The journal Life Sciences just published, Covid-19: Melatonin as a Potential Adjuvant Treatment
We’ve all been hearing about the “cytokine storm” that leads up to acute lung or respiratory distress which could then lead to death. This cytokine storm results from excessive inflammation, oxidation, and an exaggerated immune response.
The good news is that this study has shown that Melatonin can actually reduce this cytokine storm and may be beneficial for better clinical outcomes for COVID-19 patients.
Finally, as I always say, it starts with the foundation of what you feed your body. One has the best defense by having an even greater offense. Build up your immunity with clean, one-ingredient foods, sleep, water and less stress so your body can do what it is meant to do to fight off any virus or foreign invader.
Love and health,