People are finally starting to get it. Our bodies are made of protein-our muscle, skin, organs, etc. It is not made of grains or sugars or fruit or even vegetables. We need protein to survive and thrive, build muscle and lose fat. However, most of us are not getting enough. We NEED protein at every meal, especially growing children. The old recommendation of about 50% grams of protein of one’s body weight is now deemed outdated and is at best, the bare minimum. For example, a 140 pound person would need at least 70 grams of protein a day. This translates to about 10 ounces of protein or about 2 1/2 small chicken breasts per day. However, now it is recommended that you eat 60% grams protein of one’s body weight with children needing twice as much. This equates to 84 grams of protein per day for someone 140 pounds or 3 small chicken breasts per day
2 eggs (7g each) and yogurt (7 g each-no sugar or aspartame please!) for breakfast (21 total grams of protein),
bean salad with fresh veggies (30g for 2 oz) or tuna fish (26 g for 5 oz can) for lunch,
1 oz of walnuts (7g) for snack,
and salmon (32 g for 4 oz) with rice and a salad for dinner
for a total of about 90 grams of protein in one day!
That’s not so bad, is it? Keep in mind that the most important meal to eat a lot of protein is breakfast. We do ourselves and our children no favors by giving them cereal or a bagel or even just fruit to start their day. First, it just spikes blood sugar levels so that we are starving for more carbs in just a few hours time. This happens in part because your body never really got any “real” food and it continues to remind us that it needs real nutrients until it gets some. When you start your day with protein, your body gets the nutrients it needs and blunts your blood sugar levels thereby keeping you satisfied for longer. Therefore, protein will also reduce sugar cravings. As the body stays satisfied, there are no more sugar spikes followed by severe dips which causes the body to scream out, “Feed me!”
If you find it is a big struggle to get the right amount of protein, there are great shakes and bars to help in a pinch. However, BEWARE! Just as with low-fat foods, many companies add loads of sugar to make it taste better. I saw a GNC Pro Crunch Bar had a very appealing 16 grams of protein. However, when I looked closer, I saw that it had 34 grams of carbs, of which some was corn syrup. First of all, yuck. That’s almost 9 teaspoons of sugar or almost the same amount of sugar in one can of Coke! Second of all, that totally defeats the purpose of having a protein bar to begin with. The point is to read your labels. Look for low net carbs of 10 grams or below and if the sweetener is aspartame or corn syrup, just drop it and run!
Do you know anyone who is tired and fatigued? Eat more protein!
Do you know anyone with saggy skin?Eat more protein!
Do you know anyone who experiences anxiety?Eat more protein (4- 6 times per day)!
Do you know anyone who feels depressed? Eat more protein!
Do you know anyone with mental issues?They may be starving their brain of protein!
Do you know anyone who is having problems conceiving? This is such a common deficiency–Just eat more protein!
Need I say more–EAT YOUR PROTEIN!
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Let Us Health You!
“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”