Food, health info, sickness

Sweet Sabotage

Reposted from October 10, 2012 We all know that sugar isn’t good for us but many of us believe we can just exercise it off. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We’re eating more and more of it every year. Dr. Mehmet Oz says that “The average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year-compared to […]

Food, health info, labels

Why GMO Foods Matter

Reposted from August 1, 2012 What are GMO foods anyway and why do they matter? GMO stands for genetically modified organism and GE meansgenetically engineered. Modern usage of GMO actually refers to genetically engineered crops where, in a laboratory, the DNA from one organism is spliced into the genes of another organism, or even another […]

cooking, Food, health info

How to Sow Your Oats

Sowing your oats…as in your breakfast. It’s a breakfast classic with so many types to choose from. There are the familiar Quaker oats which are rolled oats. Then there are steel cut oats. Then there are instant rolled oats. They all seem to be a healthy choice, but are they? Yes, that burning breakfast question […]