Follow These Tips to Lose Weight

Follow These Tips to Lose Weight

Eliminate white foods from your diet-ditch the sugar, refined flour, white bread, white potatoes and white rice.  They only cause elevations in blood sugar which then plummets leaving you more tired, irritable and hungry while storing it all as fat.

Increase fiber- by eating plant foods in as close to their natural state as possible.  It will slow the breakdown of carbohydrates giving a sense of fullness and help your digestive tract function efficiently.  A fiber supplement such as pure psyllium hulls also helps prevent the re absorption of old processed food and assist with elimination.

helathy diet
Drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day–  water is a natural appetite suppressant, can help suppress sugar cravings and helps get things moving through your body.

Exercise for at least 20 minutes 4 times per week-use an interval training where you start any type of exercise aerobically for 1  1/2 minutes at a moderate pace and then continue for 30 seconds at the highest intensity you can manage.  Repeat this for 8 more sets until you have completed the 20 minutes total.  You can run, bike, lift weights, run up stairs, walk, etc.  This type of exercise revs up your metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours after you stop as opposed to traditional level speed cardio which will only burn calories during the time of exercise.

Eat Protein-Muscle is made of protein and only muscle burns fat.  Eat at least 1/2 your weight in grams of protein per day.  Our bodies are made of protein, protein we eat makes muscle and muscle burns fat.  Therefore we need to eat protein at every meal!

Eat your vegetables-Enjoy an unlimited amount and strive to have the most colorful veggies for their powerful source of antioxidants with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Avoid crash diets– extremely low calorie diets only promote fat storage as it slows down your metabolism.  Fast weight loss leads to the loss of water and lean muscle mass but not fat.  Again, it is muscle that burns stored fat

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“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”
Live well and love more,
Jill Gordon, CHHC, CNHP

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