Food, labels, nutrition

Decoding Your Food

Reposted from June 3, 2015 Most of us tend to check out the labels for the ingredients or calorie or carb count. However, don’t forget to check out the UPC bar codes and the PLU codes. You’ll be amazed at the “hidden” information they reveal. The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a series of numbersand […]

Food, health info, labels

Why GMO Foods Matter

Reposted from August 1, 2012 What are GMO foods anyway and why do they matter? GMO stands for genetically modified organism and GE meansgenetically engineered. Modern usage of GMO actually refers to genetically engineered crops where, in a laboratory, the DNA from one organism is spliced into the genes of another organism, or even another […]

Food, lose weight, protein, protein

The Power of Protein

People are finally starting to get it.  Our bodies are made of protein-our muscle, skin, organs, etc.  It is not made of grains or sugars or fruit or even vegetables.  We need protein to survive and thrive, build muscle and lose fat.  However, most of us are not getting enough.  We NEED protein at every […]

Food, health info, labels, nutrition, shopping

Read Thy Label

 Know what you put in your body and read your food labels! When you go to the Supermarket, try to shop the perimeter.  There, you will find more wholesome foods with fewer ingredients.  Yes, less is more.  As you enter into the middle of any supermarket, that’s where the ingredient list soars and you need […]