I’m Scared

Just as you have, I have been following all-things-coronavirus. I have given you updates on protocols (which thankfully have pretty much stayed the same for the past month) for prevention and for treatment.

To be clear, I am not afraid at all of contracting Coronavirus. I feel confident in knowing what to do to protect me and my family.

Free Coronavirus Guide Here

I’m not trivializing this either as I have a friend who did pass away from Covid along with a host of others that are acquaintances or friends of friends.

I also know some who are on the front lines who have told me how serious it was in the hospitals in New Jersey.

It’s just so frustrating to get accurate information from our news media because I feel like I can’t necessarily trust it for various reasons. For example, in one case, CBS was caught and admitted to using the same footage from an Italian hospital in an NYC Coronavirus report. Then, the numbers reported vary so widely, it’s hard to know what to believe.

So, I pretty much follow the same experts I trust and have been following for years who have no other outside influences or conflicts of interest.

I certainly don’t know everything and am still confused by some things.

I’m not sure how long we should remain quarantined although I believe it is imperative to get outside every day to get fresh air.

I’m not sure what is actually worse-being stuck alone with depression rising at alarming rates, or the risk of getting Coronavirus with the incidents going down.

I’m not sure how so many can survive so long without working, both financially and psychologically.

I’m not sure when it feels comfortable for my kids to go back to their offices even though it seems that it may be another few months.

I’m not sure when I will be moving back home to my NYC apartment as well as my kids to their apartments.

There are so many things that of which I’m unsure, just like you.

However, one thing I am sure of is the fear that is being generated. Some of it may be real, but a lot of it may not be.

I was bewildered (OK, that’s a nicer word than what I really thought) when I learned about Mayor Diblasio and his 311 “Snitch Line” to call in on neighbors who may have violated quarantine during the shutdown.

New Yorkers showed their mayor what they really thought. They sent him pictures, not of their neighbors, but of memes, many comparing the Mayor to Hitler, middle fingers, genitalia and the like. Are we really ready to get that Orwellian?

Then, I learned about the Bill HR 6666 that was co-sponsored by many congress members on May 1st to spend $100 Billion (yes, BILLION) in 2020 to hire “contract tracers”, coronavirus testers and reporting agents.

What is “contract tracing?” This looks like Big Brother Surveillance.

It looks like this bill will mandate administering tests in our homes, with or without consent. It even seems to say that these agents have the right to take people who “test positive” from their homes!

This is why I’m scared.

I feel like I’m going to be stripped of the freedoms that our forefathers so brilliantly crafted in our constitution because our whole nation is paralyzed with fear.

I get that we all want to be safe. Some may even think that we NEED to make everyone compliant for ALL of our safety. But what does that mean? Is this really the right solution? Do we even have all of the information? Is the testing even accurate?

Then, what’s also coming down the pike is mandatory vaccinations for the Coronavirus. Again, some may think this is the only way to protect ourselves. But especially with a vaccine that is “fast-tracked” and no time for actual testing for safety, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be tested with something that has not been proven to be safe.

Keep in mind the SARS-Coronavirus vaccine for the deadly SARS epidemic was halted in 2012. This vaccine gave the mice in the study the desired antibody response. However, when the mice were exposed later to the virus, they all died.

I do believe everyone has their right to their own opinion. I also think that everyone has their own right to protect themselves in the way they think is best for them and their families.

For me, I’m not against all vaccines, but I’m NOT a fan of the flu vaccine or some of the newer ones. I believe if we keep ourselves healthy with a strong immune system, our bodies should be able to defend itself against foreign invaders.

But in 2009, we were somewhat bullied out of fear into getting my oldest the Swine flu shot because she was going to a leadership sleep-away camp and needed to be “protected.” Long story short, we got the “safest” version of the vaccine and my daughter still got the Swine Flu! She was quarantined for a week and even sent home.

That was the last time for the flu vaccine. And, by the way, we haven’t gotten the flu.

Then, I just recently learned that a study by the Department of Defense in January revealed that the flu shot increases susceptibility of contracting Coronavirus. This is a study published by the NIH.

The author says, “Vaccine-derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus.”

So, this study says that anyone who got the flu vaccine was at a higher risk of contracting the coronavirus. Hmmm.

With this information and my own experience, I’m not sure I trust any new vaccines for this situation. Bottom line, I just want to be able to make my own choice for what goes into my body.

You may feel differently and I just encourage you to get as much information as possible so you can do what you feel is best for you.

It is just scary to me that if we are mandated by our government, we lose any of that freedom of choice that was fought so hard by our forefathers. This may bother you, too.

If you agree about having the right to your own choices, please consider letting your representatives know how you feel. They are supposed to represent US, so we need to let them know what we want.

You can click here if you are concerned about the “Big Brother” bill HR 666. I have already sent a letter to my representative as I don’t want fear to cloud my judgment or be bullied into something I don’t believe in or have enough information to make an informed decision.

Just be careful if you do nothing or don’t say “no” because that means you’ve said “yes” to non-consent. Your representatives are not waiting to hear from you.

Whatever you believe, I just urge you to do your own research so you know exactly what all of this means for you and your family.

Love, health and freedom,


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