cancer, cooking, summer

Grills Just Wanna Have Fun

Grilling and summers go hand in hand. What better way to lure us together than with the smoky aromas of barbecue.  The good news is that grilling is generally considered a healthy way to cook.  However, the not-so-good news is that studies have shown that if food is grilled certain ways it may pose a […]

Food, health info, sickness

Sweet Sabotage

Reposted from October 10, 2012 We all know that sugar isn’t good for us but many of us believe we can just exercise it off. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We’re eating more and more of it every year. Dr. Mehmet Oz says that “The average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year-compared to […]

disease, sickness, Uncategorized

Corn Linked to Cancer

Reposted from September 26, 2012 Warning- a link of cancer, tumors and organ damage to GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms) Corn and Round Up, the herbicide used in conjunction with the crop, as per the latest study using rats in France (See Abstract). If you don’t know whether the corn you eat is GMO or non GMO, […]

cancer, outdoors, summer, sunscreen

Which Sunscreens Do More Harm Than Good?

The Environmental Working Group came out with their famous Sunscreen Guide 2012.  There seems to be so much confusion with the results of many studies.  Some say sunscreens protect against certain types of cancer.  Others say they do little.  While it is agreed that sunscreens protect against sunburn, there is little evidence to support the efficacy […]