alternative health, Food, food sensitivities, healthy food, immune system, natural alternatives, natural healing, nutrition, optimal health, sickness, virus

I Was Sick Yesterday

I think I was sick yesterday.  And then I wasn’t.   I know this sounds strange. I never get sick. I have never gotten the flu (with the exception of February, 2020, when I’m 99% sure I got Cov!d before it was even a thing, but healed in 2 days).   Even if I feel […]

diabetes, diet, disease, fat, health, insulin, Type 2 Diabetes

Could this Modern Plague Have Been Reversed to Save Hollywood Icon?

She was the girl next door. Sadly, this Hollywood icon passed away from complications from this modern plague, Type 2 Diabetes. Nearly 21 million Americans have Diabetes, but one third of these people do not know it. We’ve all heard of Diabetes, but what exactly is it? Type 1 Diabetes is when the pancreas no longer makes insulin. Type 2Diabetes is […]