We all have them. In fact, we probably engage in dozens, if not more, of our habits before we even get dressed in the morning!
Habits can be anything from brushing your teeth first thing in the morning to the way you put on your pants or the way you apply make-up. We have a ton of them.
However, there are many habits we would like to ditch, (like eating processed foods) and then some we would love to embrace (like eating vegetables every day).
Now, some of us may have a hard time picturing ourselves embracing eating veggies every day. We think we must force ourselves and it would be difficult. Conversely, it may feel impossible to BREAK that happened of eating Wendy’s french fries because they taste sooooo good!
For example, I typically run outside in the morning during the week. I’ve always exercised first thing in the morning.
But I have a secret.
I don’t really like to exercise! I don’t love getting all sweaty and being out of breath. Yup. It’s true.
“But, Jill, you exercise every morning. How do you do it?”
Because it’s simply my habit. I don’t think about it. It’s just what I do. It’s not some secret pull or even sheer willpower where I must drag myself every day to do it. It’s just what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. It’s in my subconscious brain that it’s simply what I do.
Here’s the other secret. I don’t sweat it (excuse the pun!) if I’m traveling or I oversleep and I don’t get to work out. I know I will simply resume the next day or when I’m back home. No stress, no guilt. All good.
So, how do we create habits that are so embedded in our subconscious brain that it’s easy to embrace them?
My mentor, Jim Fortin has a recipe with 3 ingredients to create lasting habits:
- Repetition
- Visualization
- Multi-sensory experience
For you to create any habit, you must repeat it over and over again until it becomes autopilot. So, whether you enjoy it or not, the brain doesn’t even know the difference because it just becomes what you do.
For faster and easier habit formation, visualize exactly what habit you wish. See yourself doing this every day or often enough. Then, add in every sense when visualizing. Don’t just see it in your mind, taste it, smell it, feel it, hear it. The more you use all your sensations in your visualization, the more real it becomes in your mind.
So, what habit would you like to form today?
If you want to eat more veggies, buy them and plan to have them every day. Then picture yourself eating them in different ways and smell how good they are and tasting so good. Imagine as if you are eating them exactly as you would AND enjoying them.
How about kicking a habit?
This is a little trickier but easier than you might think. And It’s not about using sheer willpower (that only lasts for so long). Again, it’s about re-programming your subconscious brain.
So, the next time you have that urge to get Wendy’s french fries, you literally dismiss it. Don’t mistake this for willpower as that’s different. It’s like a “talk to the hand” approach. You’re not falling for it. The thought is simply being dismissed. Nope. No way. No how.
And then you move your attention to something else like maybe that cute outfit you saw in a local shop that you want to buy.
Does it happen instantly? Sometimes, depending on how strongly you dismiss that bad habit. But use the same steps above to visualize yourself in an alternate habit that will serve you well.
I’ve done this and I’ve been surprised time and time again at how well this works to bring myself freedom from those bad boys:).
Let me know how it goes for you.
“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”
Live well and love more,
Jill Gordon
CHHC, HHC, CNHP, Digestive Health Specialist
All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.