Why Isn’t Your Brain Working?

Do you ever feel like your brain isn’t working? Do you ever go into a room or closet and forget what your looking for? Ever forget where you parked? Perhaps you can’t focus like you used to or just get anxious or even depressed.

I hate to break it to you, but it’s not normal as we age. And you are NOT alone. These are all symptoms of brain dysfunction and they can be reversed. The main cause of most brain dysfunction is malnutrition. When you lack any of these four basic nutrients, your brain is impacted:

  • Pure Water. You need at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of pure, filtered water every day
  • Sleep. Human Growth Hormone is released during REM sleep which is anti-aging and immune enhancing. You should strive to get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night and get to bed between 10 and 11pm for optimal sleep.
  • Oxygen. Your body needs oxygenation in the cells which can be obtained by regular exercise or movement. Keep in mind that pathogens cannot thrive in oxygenated environments.
  • Relaxation and Fun. So many of us put this on the back burner but it is crucial to promote good brain health. Do at least one thing you enjoy or that relaxes you every day such as meditation, yoga, massage, walk in nature, dinner with friends or even just a phone call with someone you love:).
  • Real Food. Your body was designed to best function and thrive on one- ingredient fuel such as organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, beans and other clean protein sources such as fish, chicken, turkey and limited grass fed beef. Ditch the processed foods that stresses the body and poisons it with toxins that contribute to fogging the brain.

The above is how I started to rejuvenate my brain. Yes, I had those annoying above symptoms and have seen some improvement by implementing the above tools. However, there is more to it in the world we live in. Alzheimer’s runs in my family and I need to continue to protect myself and my family.

I feel so fortunate that my good friend, Dr. Mark Hyman, has created a powerful documentary series called Broken Brain. He has gathered 58 world leading experts to share cutting-edge information that you need to know to protect your future (and hold onto your past). It is free and so mind blowing (excuse the pun!) and what you need to see if you or someone you know is experiencing depression, ADHD, anxiety, autism, mood swings, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Click here for complimentary access to the 8-Episode Documentary Series.

It’s worth noting that Dr. Hyman is not only an expert in this field, and one of the most respected leaders of Functional Medicine, but he has also personally experienced a broken brain.

One day, at the start of his medical career, Dr. Hyman woke up and went from being a healthy young physician to a dysfunctional, broken version of himself—someone he didn’t even recognize.

“It was like depression, ADD, and dementia all at once. And every doctor I met had good intentions, blaming it on stress or depression, but I knew there was something real going on, something physical that they were missing, that my body was affecting my brain, and that forced me into a deep journey to heal my broken brain.” ~ Dr. Mark Hyman

Knowledge is power. Please follow the above guidelines and take advantage of this free series with this truly life-changing info.

Feel free to contact me at www.JilltheHealthCoach.com for more info.

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