You have gas, bloat and burning which can be so uncomfortable.
So, the commercials tell you grab Tums or Pepcid which promises to reduce the acid that is causing your discomfort. Sounds like a great idea. WRONG.
It is actually causing you more harm than good. This can lead to so many other problems as it actually suppresses your body from doing what it is meant to do–which is to PRODUCE the stomach acid (or Hcl), that is needed to break down the food that is causing you all of your symptoms in the first place!
Your mouth is a major gateway to your body. However, your body has built-in defense mechanisms to keep out what’s harmful. One of these mechanisms is stomach acid.
Stomach acid helps break down food into small enough particles to be absorbed by the body.
Within food are essential nutrients such as minerals (or “rocks”), that can only be broken down by acid. So, the only way to absorb minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, iodine, etc. is with Hcl or stomach acid.
Too little stomach acid leads to little or no minerals being absorbed, which can lead to cardiac issues, bone loss, weakness, fatigue, low thyroid function and so much more. Yes, we NEED our stomach acid!
Your body is also purposely designed to make stomach acid needed to protect your body from foreign invaders such as pathogens, viruses and bacteria.
If your body is working the way it should, Your stomach acid will “sanitize” your food of these pathogens by killing them off before they get into your small intestine.
Ever notice that only some people will get E. Coli from eating the same food as others. Why doesn’t everyone get E. Coli?
The people with high stomach acid are able to fend off those unwanted invaders.
How do you know if you have low stomach acid in the first place? Take this test.
First thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything (or taking any meds or supplements), drink 1/2 tsp of baking soda in 6-8 ounces of water. If you belch within 5-10 minutes, that means you most likely have enough stomach acid.
If you sit quietly without any burping, it is more likely you don’t have enough stomach acid.
If you don’t burp using this test, don’t worry. You’re not alone! According to Jonathan Wright, MD, you’re just one of 90% of the U.S. population.
So, now you know you don’t have enough stomach acid, how do you help your body make it?
Another option is with Apple Cider Vinegar (Only use ACV with the “mother” such as Bragg’s). Take 2 Tbsp in 6-8 ounces of water 15 – 30 minutes prior to a meal. Start off slow, though, as it may be too rough on your lining if you have a lot of damage. Start with 1/2 tsp and work your way up.
However, even small amounts of ACV may be too irritating to the esophageal lining if it is damaged or if you have a hiatal hernia. You may have to heal those first. You can use lemon balm (alcohol-free) or d-Limonene to help heal.
It is also best to correct the deficiencies which could be contributing to the lack of Hcl production in the first place. Sodium, iodine, and zinc are critical building blocks. You can supplement, but I prefer to eat foods rich in these minerals such as seafood and pumpkin seeds.
If you are low in stomach acid, try to decrease animal protein, eating only 4 ounces twice a day max. Proteins need a lot of stomach acid to be broken down. By eating less protein, this lowers the need for Hcl while your body is trying to build it up.
Lots of lemons and bitters such as radishes, arugula, dandelion leaf, asparagus, artichokes, kale, etc. will also aid your body as the bitterness triggers the liver to make bile which then signals the body to make more Hcl. Your body truly is brilliant.
Always start your day with 16 ounces of water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon to help you get started and drink plenty of water with lemon throughout the day.
Remember, the answer to any heartburn or acid reflux issues is not to band aid it with drugs because the happy couple in the commercial tells you to. Get to the root of the problem and you will be surprised how so many other “mysterious” symptoms seem to clear up as well.
Check out my video above explaining why you need stomach acid.
“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”
Live well and love more,
Jill Gordon
Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Master Certified Clinical Hypnotist*, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming*, Master Certified Life and Success Coach*
*Board Certified with IBCP (International Board of Coaches and Practitioners)
All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. Instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.