Genetically Modified Foods, labels, organic, Toxins

Big Victory in Senate Affects Your Right to Know What’s In Your Food

Wait, don’t we already know what’s in our food based on mandatory food labels?  Not by a long shot.  Yesterday, we Americans experienced a huge victory when the U.S. Senate defeated the DARK act-Deny Americans the Right to Know. This devastating bill would have abolished states’ right to pass mandatory GMO labeling laws. This would […]

condiments, disease, Health Myths

Pass the Salt

If you eat too much salt or it may lead to high blood pressure or make hypertension worse. Is this proving to be outdated advice that may actually be doing more harm than good? Dr. David Brownstein, author of Salt Your Way to Health, says that ” after testing tens of thousands of patient, I […]

disease, lose weight, sickness

Who is Shooting Up in Bathrooms?

I went to Montreal this past weekend.  What a charming city with its French flair and magical European style.  What wasn’t so magical was my first stop–the bathroom in the Montreal airport.  This was where I was greeted with a rather large used needle drop box filled to the brim.  It was a bit shocking […]

cooking, Food

Enjoy This Perfect Pancake Breakfast

Reposted from 1/31/16 It’s Sunday morning and time to treat yourself and family to this super healthy and delicious pancake breakfast. Ingredients: 1 peeled banana 1 egg 1-2 Tbsp unrefined coconut oil 1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt (optional-1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp cinnamon) Directions: Beat egg in bowl.  Add banana and completely mash and mix […]