candida, carbohydrates, dessert, high blood sugar, insulin, sugar, sweetener

Top 5 Ways to Curb Sugar Cravings

It’s as addictive as cocaine.   Really.   It has been proven that SUGAR causes the same exact stimulation of dopamine (your happy neurotransmitter).   It can be as dangerous, too, as it feeds inflammation, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety and even cancer and more.   The problem is that it tastes so gooooooood. […]

acne, constipation, disease, environmental toxins, fat, inflammation, Toxins, weight loss

6 Top Signs That You May Be Toxic

Do you ever get headaches, swelling or regular fatigue?    While most people tend to view these as ailments and treat them individually, often times, these are actually symptoms of an underlying issue.   Toxicity is more common than ever with the processed foods we eat and chemicals we use and that are in our environment.   To follow are common symptoms of […]

ayuverda, digestion, Digestive Health, health tips, lemon water, metabolism, natural alternatives, natural healing, spiritual, stress

Top 5 Ayuverdic Secrets to Good Digestion

Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine of India.  It teaches that good health begins with a balanced Agni, or fire, that drives the digestive system.   Conversely, Ayurveda believes that all diseases begin in the digestive tract due to an imbalanced Agni.   Here in the United States, digestion problems plague most Americans in the form of gas, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and fatigue […]

disease, high blood sugar, insulin, soda, sugar, water

What is the Truth About Sugar?

“Sugar could be the driving force behind some of this country’s leading killers, including heart disease,” said Dr. Robert Lustig in a 60 Minutes interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta.   Lustig is a world-renowned pediatric endocrinologist, sugar crusader and YouTube phenom from his documentary Sugar: The Bitter Truth. He also said that we have a “public health crisis” with the […]

beverage, calories, diet, drinks, food labels, labels, sugar, vitamins, water

When Healthy Drinks Aren’t So Healthy

Getting healthy is big money and everyone is trying to promote their products as “healthy” –whether they are or not. However, some major players are realizing they can’t get away with their questionable claims.   Vitaminwater is marketed as healthy. While they have added a few vitamins, the problem is that many of the varieties have has […]

breast health

I Just Had my Thermography

I just completed my annual thermography.   Thermo-what?   This is a diagnostic tool I have been using for years to detect early signs of inflammation in my body, particularly pertaining to breast health.   You see, inflammation is the root cause of EVERY disease.  And if you can detect inflammation before you even get […]