health info, Health Myths, health tips, skin

Top Wrinkle Fighters

1. Drink lots of water- drink 6-8 glasses per day as hydration  is critical.  It automatically improves circulation and makes skin look more radiant. 2.  Sleep on your back– yes, good old gravity can help or hinder wrinkles on your face.  Sleeping for hours every night while gravity pulls back your face back is a […]

condiments, disease, Health Myths

Pass the Salt

If you eat too much salt or it may lead to high blood pressure or make hypertension worse. Is this proving to be outdated advice that may actually be doing more harm than good? Dr. David Brownstein, author of Salt Your Way to Health, says that ” after testing tens of thousands of patient, I […]

Food, Health Myths, protein, protein

Got Eggs?

Eggs are truly one of nature’s perfect foods with incredible protein and nutrient rich-mostly located in the yolk!  For those who are afraid of the cholesterol, there is cholesterol-but it is the good kind and raises your good cholesterol level.  We need good cholesterol and eggs are a great source. You see, when eating foods with cholesterol, such as eggs, the liver produces […]