I’m Guilty. I Almost Killed My…

I learned a such a profound lesson the other day when I just about killed my beautiful new hydrangeas.


Do you have a green thumb?


I love love love my plants and flowers, but I’m ashamed to say that sometimes I struggle with keeping them healthy (and sometimes even alive!).


I am actually even a bit of a succulent addict at this point (maybe because they are pretty low maintenance and “survive” under my care), but I’m also a sucker for beautiful vibrant flowers.


Here at the Jersey shore, hydrangeas are bountiful and seem to grow so easily and well.


So, I couldn’t resist it when these beautiful hydrangea planters at Costco practically hopped into my cart on their own. At least that’s what I told my husband…


Well, shortly after I brought them home, we experienced 3 days in a row of 90 degree or more weather. And I’m pretty sure I totally forgot to water my new outside additions…


All of a sudden, my vibrant beautiful hydrangeas looked like death on green and brown sticks!


That’s when my husband joked (well, not really…) that I wasn’t “allowed” to buy any more plants that might not survive under my care.


I’ll show him.


What did I do? I fed them the food they were meant to eat.




Well, duh! Yes, I get it that it makes sense. But I slacked off and didn’t feed the plants what they needed and they withered and just about went to that big old garden in the sky.


But I WAS able to revive them by getting back on the horse and giving them what they need.


Yup, those deader than dead stems are finally budding with new leaves and I can tell the flower buds are not too far behind.


I learned that hydrangeas CAN come back from nearly biting the dust. When they are taken care of with love and the food they need, they thrive and are beautiful and vibrant.


And so are we!


Really, we just need to feed ourselves the food we were meant to eat and our brilliant bodies will bring us back to balance.


Yes, our bodies are magnificent. However, we often don’t give our bodies that chance to get back to balance when we keep distracting it with food that’s not really food.


So, maybe you can tell that your body is out of balance. Perhaps you’re struggling to get to your optimal weight, experience digestive issues, fatigue and other strange symptoms. If that looks like you, start with the foundation of what fuel you provide.


Begin by eating REAL one-ingredient food. The food that you find around the perimeter of the market.


That would look like apples, broccoli, chicken, turkey…you get the picture. You know, the food that doesn’t have a long (or any!) list of ingredients.


To get you started, download my personal shopping list and guide to help you get on your way to a more balanced body.


Check out my plant that is slowly coming back to life below and I invite you to get started today to bring you back as well:)

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