carbohydrates, diabetes, disease, hormones, inflammation, insulin, lose weight, metabolism, nutrients, Toxins, weight loss

Is Insulin Resistance Keeping You From Releasing Weight?

Most people have heard of insulin resistance but aren’t really sure what it means. And insulin is truly being found more and more to be the key to controlling your weight and so much more.   But what is insulin anyway?   Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas when we eat high carb […]

diabetes, diet, fasting, fat loss, forgiveness, insulin, intermittent fasting, lose weight, spiritual, Type 2 Diabetes, weight loss

Fasting For Religion and Health

Today is Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday in which we fast from sunset to sunset as we repent for sins from the previous year.  Fasting is as old as time with many other religions partaking in fasting during other holidays such as the Muslim holiday Ramadan and the Catholic Church on Ash Wednesday and Good […]

brain health, cooking, diet, disease, Food, health, health info, Health Myths, healthy cooking, healthy food, inflammation, insulin, lose weight, malnutrition, meal prep, natural, nutrients, nutrition, sickness, Uncategorized, weight loss

You’ll Never Believe Who is Malnourished

It’s official.   People throughout the world in developed countries are dying from a growing epidemic. People are suffering from malnutrition.   However, it’s not those gaunt, stick figure-like people with the protruding bellies you may be picturing.   Today’s malnourished people are actually overweight and obese. How can that be?   Well, the “food” many people […]

Digestive Health, disease, Food, food labels, health, health info, health tips, healthy food, inspirational, nutrients, nutrition, shopping, Uncategorized, water, weight loss

I’m Guilty. I Almost Killed My…

I learned a such a profound lesson the other day when I just about killed my beautiful new hydrangeas.   Do you have a green thumb?   I love love love my plants and flowers, but I’m ashamed to say that sometimes I struggle with keeping them healthy (and sometimes even alive!).   I am […]

health, health info, Health Myths, health tips, healthy food, insulin, lemon water, lose weight, mind, mindset, positivity, water, weight loss

Top 3 Tips to Get to Your Optimal Weight

How are you doing this week? There is so much going on this week with the rise in Covid cases and stress levels mirror this trend. The best thing we can do is keep our bodies healthy by getting back to balance. You see, excess weight is a symptom of a body out of balance. […]