diet, digestion, Digestive Health, emotions, fiber, Gut Health, leaky gut, lose weight, women over 50

What to Eat to Improve Gut Health for Women Over 50

Believe it or not, your gut has a direct connection to your brain, immune system, and why nurturing it through the right foods is key.   Picture your gut as a bustling city, teeming with life and activity, complete with winding roads and bustling neighborhoods. It stretches for miles, with its centerpiece being the intestines, […]

bowels, candida, colon health, diet, digestion, Digestive Health, healthy food, lose weight, weight loss, yeast

Potatoes Help You Get to Your Optimal Weight? Not What You Think

Potatoes can help you get to your optimal weight?  Yes, they’re great, real food, but aren’t they super high in carbs?   Yes, white potatoes are high in carbs.  However, depending how you cook them, they can break down into sugar and get stored as fat if not utilized for energy  OR they can actually […]