best weight loss program, colon health, cooking, detox, diet, digestion, Digestive Health, fat loss, fats, Liver health, lose weight, mind, mindset, natural, nutrients, nutrition, optimal health, stress eating, Toxins, weight loss

Top Signs Your Liver is Compromised

Do you wake up at night?   If you wake up consistently between 1:00am and 3:00am, your liver may be asking for some support. While we sleep, the liver becomes more active and works on cleansing and detoxification. Waking up around this “liver time” can signal that the liver is exhibiting signs of toxicity and […]

diabetes, digestion, Digestive Health, disease, food sensitivities, grains, healthy food, inflammation, nutrients, sickness, Toxins, weight loss, wheat

I Thought These Foods Were Healthy

Many of my clients have a variety of symptoms as they are inflamed from years of eating acidic foods and processed foods.   The first step is to stop putting more gas on the fire. So, I have them cut out the main offending inflammatory foods such as wheat, dairy, soy, corn and sometimes even […]

bowels, candida, colon health, diet, digestion, Digestive Health, healthy food, lose weight, weight loss, yeast

Potatoes Help You Get to Your Optimal Weight? Not What You Think

Potatoes can help you get to your optimal weight?  Yes, they’re great, real food, but aren’t they super high in carbs?   Yes, white potatoes are high in carbs.  However, depending how you cook them, they can break down into sugar and get stored as fat if not utilized for energy  OR they can actually […]

candida, colon health, constipation, digestion, Digestive Health, fungus, sugar, yeast

These Common Symptoms May Mean Overgrowth of these Buggers

Do you suffer from the following symptoms? ·       Constant fatigue and low energy ·       Headaches and/or migraines ·       Constipation or diarrhea ·       Gas or bloating ·       Food allergies or intolerances ·       Skin infections or rashes in mouth or sexual organs ·       Recurring vaginal infections ·       Recurring UTIs ·       Muscle weakness, stiffness (especially neck and shoulder) […]

constipation, dietary fats, digestion, Digestive Health, disease, fat, gallbladder

Shoulder Blade Pain? It Could be Your Gallbladder

Believe it or not, shoulder blade pain (mostly on the right side) is a typical symptom of gallbladder inflammation.  Your gallbladder is located under the right rib cage.  When there is inflammation from gallstones or getting clogged up, this can place pressure on the right phrenic nerve creating nerve pain that can travel up to […]