Your Body is Telling You More than You Think With these Signs

Our bodies are brilliant computers.

If we listen to it closely, it will tell us what we need to keep it healthy.

However, in our fast-paced society, we often miss obvious signals. In fact, there are many of us who notice every nuance of their car and then take care of their car better than their own bodies!

Of course there are signals that are more obvious than others.

For example, one of my clients seemed to get a stomach ache a short while after she ate her typical morning breakfast of yogurt. After reviewing her food journals, it seemed like her stomach also bothered her after eating cheese as well.

After talking about the possible correlation, I suggested she experiment and stop eating dairy. Well, her stomach problems “magically” disappeared. It was nothing short of brilliance (ahem ahem).

However, there are other not-as-obvious and very surprising signs that I have noted and learned about over the years.

  • For those chocoholics out there, this may really mean that you have a deficiency in magnesium. Magnesium is abundant in chocolate. Many of my clients stopped craving chocolate after taking magnesium supplements. Leg cramps and even restless leg can also be an indication of magnesium deficiency.
  • Anyone out there have lots of hair in the drain after showering? Perhaps the outer one third of the eyebrow is very thin or non-existent. The neck may even have 2 lines with a little puffiness between them, or they may always have cold hand and feet. They may also have low energy, weight gain, memory problems and more. These are all symptoms of a sluggish thyroid.
  • Adrenal fatigue may be noted with 3 horizontal lines across the forehead which indicates stress. If you stick out your tongue straight like a hot dog, and it quivers, that could also be a sign of exhausted adrenals as well as enlarged pupils.
  • Ever notice people who seem to be spitting when they are speaking? This excessive saliva production is typically because they have problems digesting protein and may need some type of digestive enzyme. Otherwise, they may end up with a deficiency of protein and muscle.
  • There are some people who always seem to be twisting their backs or neck. This is a good indication that they may not be digesting their fats. They therefore may crave fatty foods as well as their bodies are not getting what they need. Lipase, the digestive enzyme that breaks down fat may be a good solution.
  • Cracked and dry feet may indicate heavy metal toxicity. This could come from metals such as mercury or lead. Both are common in vaccines and mercury can be absorbed in the body from mercury fillings or amalgams in teeth.
  • Even excessive body odor can be an indication of toxicity that is not being filtered out properly from the kidneys, bowels or liver. A simple liver detox of eating real food can help flush the toxins out the body and get things moving as they should.

Be sure to listen to your body as it can certainly give you great advice. These tips may also make you look brilliant at the next barbecue:).


“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”

Live well and love more,

Jill Gordon

CHHC, HHC, CNHP, Digestive Health Specialist


All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication;instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.

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