brain health, emotions, inspirational, lose weight, mind, mindset, positivity, spiritual, weight loss

How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Life

Henry Ford said it best. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” The world’s greatest pioneers always started with their own vision and then they made it happen. If you asked anyone in the 1800s the best way to get somewhere faster, they would have answered, “get a faster horse and […]

alternative health, disease, emotions, exercise, meditation, mental health, Summits

Meditation Can Reverse Memory Loss

Reminder- Alzheimer’s free online event this week I’ve been listening to the Alzheimer’s Summit yesterday and today and learned so much already.  Did you know that the 3 top nourishing herbs/vitamins to help reverse (yes, reverse!) Alzheimer’s have shown to be curcumin, vitamin D and folate?  Coconut oil also is a top food while meditation […]

emotions, mind, spiritual

In the Blink of an Eye

It’s a part of life…we see death every day.It’s on TV shows.  It’s in the news.  It’s in our children’s video games.  We seem to be more and more desensitized to it.  However, once in a while it hits home when a real person, a loved one that made an impact on your life, passes […]

emotions, mind

Is Your Glass Half Full?

What type of person are you? Do bad things always seem to happen to you or do you sometimes come across challenges that you just need to deal with? Do you feel sorry for yourself or are you grateful for the things you have? While we may not be able to control what happens in […]