alternative health, baking, condiments, cooking, Food, health tips, protein

Don’t Use These Oils for Your Holiday Baking

Don’t Use These Oils for Your Holiday Baking   During this holiday season, many of us are up to our eyeballs  baking lots of goodies.  Many recipes tell us to use different kinds of Vegetable Oils.    AVOID them all.  The problem is that these highly processed polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and oxidize easily […]

Food, lose weight, protein, protein

The Power of Protein

People are finally starting to get it.  Our bodies are made of protein-our muscle, skin, organs, etc.  It is not made of grains or sugars or fruit or even vegetables.  We need protein to survive and thrive, build muscle and lose fat.  However, most of us are not getting enough.  We NEED protein at every […]

Food, health info, health tips, skin, sleep, sugar

Top Wrinkle Fighters

1. Drink lots of water-drink 6-8 glasses per day as hydration  is critical.  It automatically improves circulation and makes skin look more radiant. 2.  Sleep on your back-yes, good old gravity can help or hinder wrinkles on your face.  Sleeping for hours every night while gravity pulls back your face back is a great nightly […]

Food, lose weight

Top Weight Loss Tips

1.  Eliminate white foods from your diet.  Sugar, refined flour, white bread and white potatoes cause dramatic elevations in blood sugar and equally dramatic dips that cause inflammation, leave you tired, irritable and hungry.  Build your diet around colorful plant foods and protein and you’ll have fewer food cravings and overall improved health with easier […]