bloat, colon health, digestion, Digestive Health, disease, health, health info, Health Myths, health tips, healthy cooking, healthy food, Lectins, lose weight, natural alternatives, natural healing, nutrients, nutrition, optimal health, protein, vegetables, women over 50

Trending Diets and Which Works Best for You Part 5 of 5 Eating Low Lectin

I hope you enjoyed learning about different types of Food Plans and Lifestyles. I prefer not to use the term diet as that just implies that it is a temporary fix. Did you like the principles of the Mediterranean plan?  Or perhaps Paleo seems just right for you?  Maybe Keto is the way to go? Or […]

brain health, diet, gratitude, habits, happiness, mind, mindset, motivation, natural healing, nutrition, women over 50

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you enjoy this day with family and friends and do something special.  We will be celebrating with our immediate family and a bunch of friends and look forward to a wonderful barbecue of healthy eats, beautiful firework display along our river and lots of laughs. I have been reflecting […]

ayuverda, digestion, Digestive Health, health tips, lemon water, metabolism, natural alternatives, natural healing, spiritual, stress

Top 5 Ayuverdic Secrets to Good Digestion

Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine of India.  It teaches that good health begins with a balanced Agni, or fire, that drives the digestive system.   Conversely, Ayurveda believes that all diseases begin in the digestive tract due to an imbalanced Agni.   Here in the United States, digestion problems plague most Americans in the form of gas, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and fatigue […]

best weight loss program, brain health, high blood sugar, insulin, lose weight, mental health, mind, natural alternatives, natural healing, stress, weight loss

The Best Medicine for the Holidays

We’re near the finish line as the holidays are just about here.   I know many of you are experiencing even more stress with these variants interfering with holiday plans.  I know it has forced us to postpone our holiday festivities as the bugger made its way through my entire family.   However, there is […]

Coronavirus, COVID-19, diet, disease, flu, health tips, immune system, natural healing, nutrition, optimal health, organic, organic food, Toxins, vaccination, virus

My Experience with C0v1d

I got it.     Not that I was surprised.  Then again, maybe I was.     My husband had gotten that thing that rhymes with shmovid in October.  I was with him, side-by-side for 12 straight days in our little New York City 2-bedroom apartment and didn’t get so much as a sniffle.  So, […]

alternative health, Food, food sensitivities, healthy food, immune system, natural alternatives, natural healing, nutrition, optimal health, sickness, virus

I Was Sick Yesterday

I think I was sick yesterday.  And then I wasn’t.   I know this sounds strange. I never get sick. I have never gotten the flu (with the exception of February, 2020, when I’m 99% sure I got Cov!d before it was even a thing, but healed in 2 days).   Even if I feel […]