Vodka is Very Versatile

Summer is here! Time to enjoy the sun and beautiful blue Skyys, have barbecues with summertime Stoli-s to share where I Absolut-ly love being at the shore, with weekends that never seem to last long Smirn-off.
Yup-alcohol is a big part of summer fun and my clients often ask which are better options. I typically recommend vodka soda as it is low calorie and has grain-free or gluten-free options.

For those who are not aware, most vodka is made from wheat. However, there are now many healthier (is that really a word we can use when referring to alcohol??) options that are made from corn, potato and grapes.
For example, Tito’s is made from corn while Ciroc is made from grapes. I personally prefer the grape base as corn is typically slathered in pesticides and is genetically modified unless it is labeled organic. Check out here a more complete list of gluten-free vodka options.

While the traditional “use” of vodka is enjoyed by many, there are also many perhaps unexpected handy uses:

  • Fill a spray bottle with vodka and spray on mold and mildew and watch the mold disappear. Double it as a kitchen cleaner but fear not about it smelling like a bar as vodka is odorless (Just don’t use it near your stove as vodka is flammable!). 
  • Add a shot to your laundry as a natural antibacterial and odor killer. The alcohol neutralizes the odor-causing bacteria on your clothes.
  • Clothes smell a little musty from the closet? Without having to wash them, give them a little spritz of vodka from a spray bottle in a well ventilated area. Because vodka is clear, it won’t stain or even leave a scent. 
  • Continuing with our odor theme, got stinky feet? Just soak them in a tub full of vodka and water for 10 minutes.  
  • Run out of astringent? Grab that vodka bottle and a cotton ball and apply the vodka straight as a cleanser that helps tighten up pores.  
  • Vodka even works great for our frizzy haired friends due to its low pH. Add one shot to a 12 oz conditioner (avoid those for color-treated hair). Shake well and apply a few times a month to smooth out those problem areas.
  • If you feel sick or feverish (not to be confused with a hangover!), use a washcloth to rub vodka on your chest and back as a liniment.
  • To help heal cold sores, dunk a cotton swab in some of your favorite vodka and dab it on to help it heal faster.
  • Finally, put 1/2 cup vodka and 1/2 cup of water into a zip-close mushy freezer ice pack that you can use any time. Works great for the morning after…

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