Top 3 Inflammatory Foods You May Be Eating Every Day

Have you ever considered foods that are inflammatory to your body?


Let’s first define inflammation.


It is a brilliant immune response from your body.


Inflammation happens when there is some type of trauma, and it provides protection in that area of the body to heal. Then, as the body heals, the inflammation recedes as well.


For example, if you twist your ankle, the ankle swells up. The inflammation causes swelling, forming a barrier around the injury so it can heal.


There is also an inflammatory pain response. This message of pain tells the body that it “hurts” if pressure is applied to the injured area. Therefore, there is motivation to avoid applying any type of pressure so that the area can heal.


There is a beginning- the inflammation response to the injury.


Then there is an end- when the inflammation recedes after the injury has healed.


Again, the body is brilliant.


However, there is another type of inflammation which is chronic.


There is a beginning, but it never really seems to end.


The danger in this type of inflammation is that the body tends to stay in this state.


We know that inflammation is the root cause of every disease. So, this makes chronic inflammation especially worrisome.


One cause of chronic inflammation are certain foods that we eat with the top 3 being:

  • wheat
  • corn
  • sugar


First, you will notice that all three foods are types of carbohydrates. 


While there is sugar at the bottom, both wheat and corn BREAK DOWN in the body as sugar. So, really all three are forms of sugar.


The breakdown of sugar then causes fatty acids to be produced in the liver. These fatty acids trigger an inflammation response by the body. The dreaded chain of events.


To add insult to injury, both wheat and corn along with sugar are all sprayed with glyphosate, a type of pesticide. This toxin layer promotes even more inflammation.


Now, every time you eat any of the top three foods, the body builds up more and more CHRONIC inflammation which can lead to diseases such as vascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune, cancer, etc.


So, what is the answer?


You guessed it…eliminate the foods that cause inflammation in the first place.


Then at least you will stop layering on more and more so the body can have a chance to try to go back to balance.


Eating clean foods is the perfect recipe for feeling energetic and getting to one’s optimal weight.


And especially during these times, we need to do what we can to put out the flames and strengthen our immune system.


BUT, it’s not always so easy.


What if we LOOOOOOVE our bread or can’t seem to deny ourselves a little something sweet after dinner?


This is when we know we need to make some subtle shifts to our subconscious minds first to make it a lot easier.


This is why I am enjoying learning all about NLP or Neurolinguistic Programming and currently on my way to become a certified practitioner:).


Using these strategies helps us makes these shifts easier without using sheer willpower, which often only lasts for so long…


So, one strategy is to only use positive affirmations or words to get what you want, but never what you don’t want.


For example, if you say to yourself “I won’t eat those cookies,” your subconscious mind only picks up “cookies.”  And it will actually then want those cookies despite you telling it not to!


You see, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between negative and positive, only the subject which you are focusing on.


So, only focus on what you DO want.  And if you say it enough, your body will then crave the new thing you want, such as delicious healthy food.


Sooooo much easier–don’tcha think?


Let me know how it works for you.


For more great info, recipes and videos, please check out Jill the Health Coach Instagram and PLEASE hit the like and share buttons:).


“It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.”

Live well and love more,

Jill Gordon


All material in this newsletter is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication;instead readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information provided has not been approved the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.

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