What is Hypnosis?

Are you curious about hypnosis?


I always was. But it always seemed pretty out there.


But then again, if it works and you don’t have to do anything crazy or put foreign substances in your body, I’m all in.


So, first, why are people interested in hypnotherapy?


Ultimately, we all just want better results in our lives, right?


So let’s explore that. The funny thing is, most people I speak with want to change the results in their life, but…they are unwilling to do what’s necessary in order to change their results.


You see, results in life are based upon one thing, our “Behavior.”


But…most people are unwilling to change their behavior.


The ideal dream would be to see a hypnotist, still do what they normally do, and then get a different result. Sorry, but that’s not the way hypnosis works. Hypnosis is effective, but it isn’t magic.


Before one changes their behaviors, they must first change the amount of “Potential,” they tap into…


I firmly believe that we all have unlimited quantities of potential, but some of us never tap into that potential because of our “Beliefs.”


Our belief in our abilities is where it all begins. And ironically, beliefs are reinforced by our results.


This produces a never-ending loop.


This is what I refer to as the circle of life, but, it’s not really a circle at all.


You see, if we could take this circle, and look at it three-dimensionally, what we would see is a spiral, and that spiral would be either spinning upward taking you to greater levels of success and achievement, or it would be taking you down – down to lower levels of despair.


And here’s the exciting thing about this, which for some of you this may be the scary part; there is no in-between.


Your beliefs are either taking you up, or they are taking you down.


The question is, which direction are you headed in life? And then, if you don’t like the direction you are headed, how can you begin to reverse the process now, and head the direction you want?


So let’s explore this.


Can you ever change the results in your life without first changing your behaviors?


For most of the time, the answer is no.


Can we ever change our Behaviors until we first change the amount of Potential that we tap into?


Again, no.


But what determines the amount of Potential we tap into?


It’s our Beliefs.


Now, here’s the interesting question; Can we change our beliefs, regardless of what results we have produced in the past?


Absolutely! And that’s where hypnosis works its magic.


Hypnosis is one of many techniques available to us which can assist us in changing our beliefs.


Now contrary to popular science, it’s much easier to change our beliefs than we have been led to believe.


Interesting belief by the way, isn’t it?


Let’s have some fun, and see how this works, ok?


Do this little exercise right now. It will only take a moment.


Please stand up with your legs shoulder width apart.


Now take your right hand point it in front of you, and now with your feet firmly planted, turn your torso clockwise until it stops, just do this until it comfortably stops, no need to twist your back out here. When it stops, make a visual mark with where your finger is pointing.


Great, now come back to the original position, and let’s do it again, but this time, let’s do it in our mind.


Read the following paragraph ONLY (do not read further until you complete the 2-second exercise) and then close your eyes and make a decision right now that you can spin further than before.


In your mind’s eye, imagine raising your right hand up again, and beginning turning in your mind, imagine going all of the way to where you did, and now imagine going even further, keep going, so far that you spin almost all the way around to the front of the room.


Now that you have opened up your eyes, hands up, and begin twisting, and notice how much further you go!


Did you notice that you went further, maybe even 30% further than last time?


So, why did this happen? If we look at the results you produced the first time, they were the result of a twisting Behavior, that Behavior was precipitated by a Potential to twist your body around.


The amount of flexibility you tapped into was based upon a Belief.


Get it?  Most people didn’t establish a belief up-front about how far they could go, but nevertheless, a belief was there. Maybe it was only an unconscious belief, but it was there, and that belief dictated the results you achieved.


Now, without judging the results, I asked you to experience different results in your mind.


An interesting thing about the mind is that it can’t distinguish between reality and fantasy – that’s scientifically proven for 20 years now – so by making a decision in your mind that you could go further, you created a new Belief – this time, consciously.


It allowed you to tap into a greater level of flexibility also known as Potential, this allowed you to take greater action, and produce an entirely different Result.


And it also allowed you to experience first-hand what hypnosis feels like!


Yup, most people expect hypnosis to be this amazingly bizarre sensation which they aren’t supposed to remember! But it’s actually nothing like what you see in the movies.


Hypnosis is about having you consciously decide to change your thoughts to support the results you want to have in your life.


And it works.


But as you noticed, you felt like you were in total control even though you were in a type of trance in the above exercise.


And it’s not voodoo and spooky.  You noticed when you were able to move your body that it did not feel anything too different than what you would normally feel.


It’s simply going into a more relaxed state plus focused attention to speak to your subconscious mind.  The body is much like a robot that simply responds to instructions from the mind.  And hypnosis creates thoughts and feelings so real that the body reacts biochemically.


So, if we can change those beliefs with suggestions while you are in a relaxed state, you can finally make shifts with those behaviors to get the results you want.


Make sense?


I encourage you to start practicing yourself.  What would happen if, every day, you sat down, and consciously decided to choose the way you think about your day?


What would happen if, every day, you sat down with yourself and consciously chose to create a set of beliefs that would support you in having a healthy body, a successful career, or fulfilling relationships?


What would happen if you learned the skills today on communicating with your unconscious mind to ensure the future you wanted tomorrow?


I hope that this will get you to thinking about how much potential you’re tapping into. In some small way, I hope that this has helped you to realize that you have far more potential inside just wanting to get out.


If you want to dig deeper with the mind/body connection using hypnosis, I am now a certified hypnotist and am happy to discuss with you any questions you may have or to book a session. Simply contact me by emailing me here.


Love and health,



P.S. If you want to really dig deeper and get a full day experience in unblocking whatever it is that is keeping you from that one health goal, join in for the Reset Mind Wellness Retreat with other women just like you, on Friday, July 15th at my home at the Jersey Shore.  There is very limited space and spots are going quickly.


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